V. Just like this

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I started way too serious with the previous chapters this one is a little bit lighter.


"Ugh I am so bored." You whined and lay down on the bed. You are currently inside (C/n) room, he is busily playing (a game of your choice). He got his headphone on so you bet he didn't heard you. "I am so bored!" You exclaimed, hoping that he would hear you. He took a quick glance on your direction and go back to the game he is playing.

You groaned when he ignored you, you turned your body and started laying down on your stomach. You look around the room and saw nothing suspicious. You let out a hum and crawled to the end on the bed and peaked your head underneath.

You saw a lot of boxes, of who knows what's inside. With your curiosity you draw one of the boxes and look at (C/n) still playing, occasionally talking to the people he is playing with.

You looked for anything worth using for teasing (C/n), you take the box back to its place and draw the other box and there you saw a lot of magazines!

You take one and saw a playboy model on the cover and your lips turned into smirk. You scan all of the magazines and saw what you have been looking for. It is an nsfw book. You opened it and it revealed photos of naked women. You cringe and your face twisted, because you thought it is disgusting.

"Ew." you complained "Didn't know he would look at something like that, only a kid is innocent i guess." you muttered then closed the book. "Done looking?" a deep voice suddenly spoke. You shrieked and accidentally throw the book and it landed on the floor, on a certain page showing a very sexy photo and you blushed.

"Why am I blushing when he is the one supposed to be embarrassed!?" you whined and looked at him. You blushed harder at the sight of him. Sitting on his gaming chair facing your direction, he had his arm crossed on his chest with a serious face looking at you, you thought he looks like a model.

You cleared your throat and sat up straight. He stood up and picked the magazine you accidentally throw, then walked towards you. You gulped at his seriousness and you suddenly felt conscious with his eyes on you. He  kneeled and place the book on the box and push it underneath his bed once again.

He stayed in that position and looked up. "Why did you look at them?" he asked. "I– I was bored! I started looking for stuff that interest me." You exclaimed and looked away. "And the porn magazine piqued your interest, hmm?" He asked once again with a hint of mischievousness in his voice. "Geez of course not! It is so disgusting, I was about to put it back when you suddenly..... startled....me?" you trailed of when he began to hover you.

"....why? does it matter?" Your eyes are suddenly glued to his. You leaned back as he started leaning towards you. He is so close and he reached out his hands to you, you closed your eyes  and felt his weight shift on your side. You peaked and saw him take the remote and open the projector.

"Hmm, guess you swing the other way now." he chuckled, and picked some movies to watch. You look at him bewildered, he could've asked you to just move aside and take the remote instead of invading your space.

You have never been clingy towards him. He may be your best friend and your crush but you never even wrapped your arms around his. Your emotions are swirling, with embarrassment from the scene a while ago, and from what he did.

You would be lying if you tell yourself you're not disappointed, you admitted that you were expecting something else. A kiss, or a hug. You let out a sigh and (C/n) heard it.

"What? You don't like the movie? I thought you are bored." he stated and looked at you. "Were you expecting a kiss? You're ugly why would I–" He laughed. "Yes." you blurted out and cut him off. "....do that?" he trailed off.

There's no going back now, you have said it already. You know he was just joking on the ugly part, because you always call each other that way. "What?" he whispered, the two of you looking eye to eye.

Both of you are blushing mess, looking like a ripe tomato. "Shit." he cursed and run his fingers through his hair which you thought was hot. "Do you like me?" he asked and looked back at you, all you can do as of the moment is nod.

His mouth is left open and he smiled few seconds later. "I– I like you too (Y/n)." You let out a gasp of what you just heard. "R-really?" you want to be sure,  you have to make sure!

"Yes. I like you (Y/n)." when your name left his lips sounds so good. His eyes met yours and he scoot over to you. "Can I hug you, (Y/n)?"

"Yes, yes you can (C/n)" and he wrapped his arms around your waist and hid his face on your neck. You felt him inhaled your scent and said "Your hair always smells good." he told you and tighten his grip.

you hugged him back and both of you stayed there for a while until you and him calmed down.

"So... Are we dating now?" (C/n) asked. You laughed and push him, "Of course not! You still have to earn my yes, you ugly." you said.

"Bring it on." and right then and there he captured your lips.

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