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Beck's POV

Cat pulled away, eyes red and puffy from crying. It had been several minutes since Robbie's outburst and his poisonous words still seemed to haunt her. "I'm so sorry, Cat. For what's it's worth, though," I smiled slightly, wiping a tear from her cheek, "everything he said was a stupid lie that no one here would believe. Especially me."

Despite herself, Cat smiled and wiped her eyes. My words seemed to help, but I could tell the accusations may haunt her for a little while. "Thank you," she murmured, glancing down at the ground. "I just-you heard him. I kissed Robbie, and I did it because I was sad, not because I liked him! I should have said something, it's my fault he's so upset! I should have been a better friend." It was one of the most mature conclusions I'd heard from her. She didn't sound sad or dejected; rather like she was coming to terms with her mistakes and regretting them, but allowing them to live in the past so she could move on.

"I'm glad you know what you did wrong, Cat. What Robbie said was awful and uncalled for and definitely not true, but I think it would be good that you talk to him soon to set things straight. All in your own time, though," I added quickly, to which she only chuckled. Soon, the bell rang and we left the closet, earning a few glances from passing students rushing to class.

We walked to Sikowitz's side-by-side; which shouldn't have attracted much attention, considering the fact that Cat and I usually arrived at classes together anyway. However, this was very different. Everyone stared at us as we opened the door and I frowned from where I stood at the back of the classroom, arm thrown loosely around Cat's shoulders. "Uh, hey?" I frowned.

Tori's arms were crossed over her chest as she sat next to Robbie. Both of them looked smug as they stared at Cat and I with upturned noses and wide smirks. Mr. Sikowitz was just grinning like a fool, though, as he stood on the stage ahead of us. "What were you two lovebirds up to during passing period?" he asked, obviously trying to hide his emotions.

I frowned, looking over at Cat. However, she responded before I could with a bright, "I was just kissing my boyfriend!" She looked almost confused as if she didn't understand what the problem was. To be fair, I didn't know either.

Mr. Sikowitz's small grin grew and he threw out his arms. "Well congratulations, you two!" he shouted, loud and sudden enough that Cat jumped and clutched my arm for support. I chuckled at her, squeezing her shoulder in reassurance as the room erupted in noise. There was money being passed around-did they place bets on us?- and smiles all around. Well, except for Robbie and Tori. The former looked outraged at the merriment while the latter only stared at the ground with an unreadable expression.

Jade approached Cat and I and to my great relief, she was smiling. "I'm happy for you two," she sounded sincere, and Cat beamed at her words. "I mean it."

My girlfriend leaped into Jade's arms with a squeal, and her face was stretched out into a bright, wide smile. "Thank you so much, Jade! I'm so happy thanks to you. Well, and to Beck," she added with a giggle.

I chuckled at that, turning my attention away from her and squeezing Jade's shoulder. "Thank you," I murmured, to which she only inclined her head. It seemed like I was worried about our friend group dynamic over nothing.

Andre approached us with a grin, clapping me on the back. "Congrats, man. Both of you. You deserve to be happy." It was really strange to see everyone so excited about Cat and I, but I figured that this was something a lot of them had been hoping for considering the amounts of money being collected from other students thanks to them winning their bets on us.

However, my laughter quickly died when I saw Tori approaching us. Cat frowned as well, but Tori seemed to have different intentions than what I thought. She was staring at the ground, wringing her hands. "Can I... talk to you guys? Outside, maybe?" she asked quietly. I turned to Cat, who only nodded and we all left the classroom without a sound. Thankfully, with all the chaos inside, no one noticed their absence.

Tori didn't speak at first. She only stared ahead of her and avoided our gazes as much as possible. After a moment, though, it seemed like she finally steeled her nerves and looked up. "I'm sorry," she blurted. "I'm so sorry for everything. I was a horrible friend to you-both of you," she glanced at me. "And I shouldn't have said what I said and did what I did, and you don't have to forgive me." Tori's eyes were steely with resolve. "I just needed to tell you."

I didn't say anything and let Cat take the situation into her hands. She was Tori's victim; I was just the one defending her. "Thank you, Tori!" Cat exclaimed, jumping into Tori's arms with tears pricking her glossy doe eyes. "I'm sorry too! I missed you so much. Can we be friends again?" she asked, pulling away from her.

Tori cracked a half-smile. "Yeah, Cat. We can definitely be friends again." Cat jumped for joy and looked up toward me, face brightened with newfound happiness and relief.

I only thought for a moment. This is Cat's decision. She forgave Tori, and it's not my place to hold a grudge. I reached out, clapping Tori on the back. "I'm glad you came around, Tori. Welcome back to the family," I smiled lopsidedly and I could see the relief flooding Tori at the words. The three of us decided to go back inside and thankfully, it seemed like no one had noticed we'd gone. Robbie still looked sullen; I wondered if he'd told the class about what he'd found Cat and I doing in hopes that we would be scolded instead of praise. If that was the case, I guess I could see why he looked like a dejected child.

Amidst the chaos, I turned to Cat and swung her around in my arms with a laugh. She giggled, and upon touching her feet to the ground, stood up on her tip-toes to press a kiss to my lips. "I love you," she smiled, and it wasn't the timid thing she'd told me in the janitor's closet. It was a confident reassurance and one that I gladly returned.

"I love you too, Cat."

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