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When I woke up, Cat was still fast asleep, curled up under the covers. I smiled, but it quickly faded when I heard loud banging from outside my R.V. When I looked out the window, I saw Danny banging on my door. Shoot, he's probably looking for Cat. I quickly walked over to my bed and gently woke Cat up. She smiled when she saw me, rubbing her eyes. "Hi Beck," she breathed.

I smiled. "Good morning, Princess."

Cat laughed, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "I had the weirdest dream last night. My brother was in prison and he told the people in charge that he was vegetarian so they gave him special meals." Cat furrowed her brows. "No wait, that happened last week." She frowned suddenly, though, when she heard the banging. "What's that?" she asked, looking nervous. Her big brown eyes were wide and she brought her fists to her face, which were wrapped up in my hoodie.

I put my hand on the small of her back as I helped her out of bed. "I don't want to scare you, but Danny is at the door. I need you to hide in the closet so he won't see you. You can't make a sound until I say it's safe, okay?" Cat just nodded and rushed over to my closet, hiding herself behind the hanging shirts and jackets. I shut the doors and and went to deal with Danny.

When I opened the door, Danny immediately drew himself back slightly, still trying to seem friendly. Yeah, right. "Hey Beck."

I smiled. "Hey Danny. What can I do ?"

Danny modded. "Yeah, I was just wondering if you knew where Cat was? I know you two went to grab something for Cat and she wasn't at my house when I woke up this morning."

I just faked confusion. "Yeah, sorry, I don't know where she is. I dropped her off at your house right after she got what she needed." The lie was too easy.

Danny just nodded and peeked inside my RV. "Okay, well, thanks man."

I just waved as he started leaving. "No problem." The minute his car was out of sight, I rushed to the closet and opened the doors. Cat peeked our from behind a curtain of shirts. I smiled. "It's okay, you're safe." Cat got out of the closet and I wrapped my arms around her. "You're safe," I repeated.

"Thank you, Beck," Cat smiled. I just nodded. "You smell nice," she giggled, stuffing her face in my shirt. "Like cinnamon and... forest." I chuckled. Cat looked up, still smiling.

I couldn't believe that anyone could find it in their heart to hurt such a pure girl. Cat was the sweetest, kindest, most loving person I had ever met in my entire life. And the fact that Danny actually hurt her... I clenched my fists.
Wait. "Cat, don't we have rehearsal today? For the movie?"

Cat's eyes lit up. "I love movies! I saw one about a monkey. He wore glasses and carried a gun."

I just chuckled and went to open the RV door. Cat immediately smiled and ran out the door, jumping up and down in the grass. "I'm outside!" She giggled, spinning in circles. I just smiled and brought her over to my car. Cat hopped into the front seat and I smiled at her new enthusiasm. She's amazing. Cat turned to me. "Do you wanna hear a joke?"
I chuckled. "Sure, what's the joke?"

Cat smiled. "Okay, what did the young shrimp say when his mom asked him why he wouldn't share any of his toys?"
I frowned, pretending to think about it. "Hm, I don't know, Cat."

She giggled. "I'm a little shellfish!" Cat smiled, laughing. I joined her.

Soon enough, we arrived at the Jenkins Studio Complex and were met by a burly guy in a police uniform. His name tag read Micheal. "I'll need your name and license, please." He leaned forward. "To be honest, I don't really care, so why don't you two just pretend to show me some stuff and then just head right in." I liked this guy.

We pretended to be doing important things before Micheal "let" us onto the set. As soon as the director saw us, she clapped excitedly and ran over. "And our stars have arrived! This way, you two, your dressing rooms are right over here." I ushered Cat in front of me and she followed Natalie, me right after. "Okay, Beck, this is your dressing room," she gestured to a large door on the left side of the hallway, "and this is your dressing room, Cat," she gestured to a large door on the right.

"Thanks, Ms. Jenkins."

Natalie smiled, waving her hand. "No no, please call me Natalie."

"Hi Natalie!" Cat exclaimed, waving obnoxiously. I tried to surprise my smile; Natalie must be so confused.
"Um, hello Cat," Natalie gave her a strange look before turning back to me. "The costume designer will be here in a minute to size you for your outfits." She have Cat another long look before rushing back over to the set.

I turned to Cat. "So, are you excited?"

Cat nodded. "Yes! I love excitement!"

I just chuckled. "Me too." Soon enough a short man with a long curly beard came rushing over.

"Hello hello, I'm Victor Remington, a pleasure, a pleasure." He shook our hands aggressively and then took out a measuring tape from his back pocket. He held it up to my arms, legs, waist, head, and feet. "Yes yes, all good," he muttered,  before turning to Cat and measuring her as well. "Ah, perfect perfect, this will do nicely." Victor bobbed his head and rushed away, coming back with a huge cart of fabrics and costumes. After holding different colors and textures up to us, he rushed away again and came back a second later without the cart. "I'll have your costumes ready by tomorrow. Now, shoo shoo, you two lovebirds! Shoo!" Victor literally shooed us away and out the door.

Cat giggled. "He was so tiny! Like a Christmas elf without elf ears!" She laughed as we made our way back to my car. I looked back to see Cat still giggling, and it made me smile. She was the most perfect thing in the world, in every imperfect way.

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