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Tori had gotten out snacks for everyone as we looked for a show to watch. After much searching, we found the show that Trina had been bragging about for days called 'Frenz'; I was pretty sure that was Spanish for frenzy. Apparently, it was a high-quality show with top-notch acting. As we started watching it, Andre almost spit out his lemonade. Trina was playing a talking flower. A talking flower. So much for top-notch acting. "That's it? That's the show Trina's been bragging about for the past week?" Andre looked absolutely bewildered.

I chuckled. "Uh huh. That's the one." Everyone laughed as the scene changed on the screen, where Trina was now in danger of being eaten by a five-year-old dressed as a goat. I looked over at Cat, who was laughing and pointing at the goat. She was — what is happening to me? "I'll be right back." I got up and walked upstairs, sitting down on a small bench that's in the hallway. Kind of a weird place to put a bench in my opinion, but I won't judge.

Okay, what is going on with me? First, I started calling Cat pretty, then I say she has the cutest personality, and now I'm suddenly thinking about her constantly! Am I in love with Cat? I almost gasped. No, I can't be in love with Cat; Jade would kill me. And when I walked into Sikowitz's today, I accidentally heard Jade telling Cat she wanted to get back together., so that's another problem. I can't do that to Jade; reject her for her best friend. But what am I supposed to do? Should I tell Cat? Wait, am I even sure that I'm in love with Cat at all? Maybe it's just a phase or something... maybe it will wear off... Yeah I'm not tricking myself here. This is a big problem. Should I talk to someone about it, like Andre? I mean, he is my bestie and I'd trust him with my life. Somehow, though, I feel like he's not the right person to talk to... wait. I know who I need to tell.

I walked back downstairs and sat down in the open space next to Tori, which was the space furthest away from Cat and Jade. After making fun of Trina the Talking Flower for a while, everyone started to trickle out of the house and soon enough, it was just me and Tori. "Hey, I need to talk to you about something."

Tori looked over from where she was grabbing a handful of chips. "Okay, whatcha need?" She plopped down on the couch and I sat next to her, still debating whether this was a good idea.

"You can't tell anyone about this though, okay? Especially Jade." I really, really didn't need Jade hearing about this.

Tori looked very confused, but she nodded anyway. "Don't tell Jade, got it. So, what do you need to tell me?"

I took in a deep breath. Well, this was it. "I think... I think I love Cat."

Tori's head snapped toward me. "What do you mean?"

I honestly thought she'd be angry, but she just seemed really surprised. "I think. I'm in love. With Cat."

Tori just stared at me. Honestly, I would stare at me too. "You're in love with her? But how? When?"

Both questions I didn't have a complete answer to. "I don't know how, but I realized it tonight. I — I just need some help."

Tori nodded, still looking a little dazed. "Okay, um, well you could tell her? Or... don't tell her?"

I chuckled. "Well that's very helpful."

She cringed. "Yeah, sorry. Well, I think you should tell Cat. The worst that could happen is she giggles and slowly walks away."

I shrugged. "True."

Tori smiled slightly. "So, are you gonna tell her tomorrow? That'd probably be the best time, like after school or something."

I nodded. After school sounded fine, but I'd rather not have to tell her at all. "Yeah, okay. Thanks Tori," I smile and got up from the couch.

Tori nodded. "Hey, no problem! Good luck," she added with a small smile.

I drove back to my RV and plopped down onto my bed. Why was I so nervous about this? When I asked Jade out, I wasn't really nervous. Obviously I was a little worried, but I didn't feel like this.

I just stared at the ceiling and thought about all of the possible things that could happen tomorrow if I told Cat. Should I even tell her at all? Maybe this is just a small thing that will pass over in a day or two? Ugh, who am I kidding — I know I'm in love with Cat. But maybe telling her isn't the best thing to do. I think she might like Robbie — and he definitely returns the feeling. If that's the case, I can't tell Cat. But I don't know that she likes Robbie, so how will I know to tell her or not? Ugh, this is so confusing.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I woke up the next morning feeling resolved. I was going to talk to Cat today after school. I got up and walked outside to drive to school, finding a parade of girls standing outside my RV.

"Hey Beck—"

"OMG Beck, that color looks so good on you—"

"Beck, I was wondering—"

"Ladies!" They all stopped talking. "I only have a certain amount of space in my car, okay? I'm sure you can all get to school on your own, and I'm running a little late. If you actually need a ride, maybe I can help you out tomorrow." I knew all the girls had rides and could get to school just fine, so I hopped into my car and left for school, where I'd be talking to Cat about a certain something I really didn't want to.

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