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Danny got out of the truck. "C'mon Cat," he wobbled a bit, holding out his hand. The guy was definitely drunk.

Cat bit her lip. "I forgot something at my house. Beck's gonna drive me back to get it and then I'll come back."

Danny just scowled and went inside, muttering something under his breath.

After dropping Danny off, Cat moved up to the front seat and smiled at me, but she still looked a little off. I frowned. "Cat, is something wrong? You don't seem like you feel well."

Cat's smile immediately vanished and she didn't meet my eyes. "No, I'm-I'm fine. I just - I accidentally swallowed a - a bar of soap." She giggled slightly at the lie, and I couldn't help but smile a little. Back to the point, Beck.

I pulled over and turned to face her. "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? I won't tell a soul if you don't want me to."

Cat looked up at me and her beautiful brown eyes were glossy with tears waiting to fall. "I'm not supposed to tell any - anyone. Especially you. He - he didn't want you to know."

What? "Who didn't want me to know what, Cat?"

Cat put her face in her hands; she couldn't keep her tears in any longer. I wrap my arms around her and she cries into my shoulder. When she finally looks up, her makeup is smudged and her eyes are puffy and red. Just as beautiful to me.

"Danny. He -" Cat shook her head, biting her lip. I didn't say anything as she pulled the hem of her jeans down to show her bare hip, where a huge black-and-blue bruise was. And to make it worse, there were giant cuts over the bruise, most of them probably going to scar.

"Cat..." I trailed off, speechless. I wanted to scream, to punch something, to yell at the sky for cursing the most perfect girl in the world with such a terrible thing. But I wouldn't do that to Cat, I didn't want to scare her. So I just kept calm. "I'm so sorry, Cat." I open up my arms and she crawls into my lap, tears streaming down her face again. I just hold her, silently vowing that I would do everything in my power to protect this precious girl from that monster. Everything.

When Cat got back into her seat and I started up the car, I had a thought. "Cat?" She looked over at me. "Why don't you stay the night with me tonight? We can watch a movie and make some popcorn or something? While we sort out this whole Danny thing."

Cat smiled, and it was her genuine smile again. "Yes please." I nodded and we drove back to my RV. I walked up to my parent's house and found my mom.

"Hey mom, could you make some ramen? Cat is gonna stay with me tonight and she likes noodles." My mom just frowned a little.

"Is something wrong?" Wow, I guess mom's just have a fifth sense or something.

I run a hand through my hair. "Well, you know Cat's boyfriend? Daniel?" My mom nodded. "Well, he's been abusing Cat. We're gonna sort everything out with the police tomorrow." My mom clutched her chest. "So... could you make us some ramen?" I ask again.

My mom nods. "Of course, sweetie, I'll bring that out to you two." She looked worried. No, really? Oh, shut up. "Is there anything else you guys need? Do you need me to call her parents?"

I shook my head. "Her parents are out of town with her brother, which is why she's staying with Daniel. Maybe just some blankets and pillows? Oh, and my black hoodie." My mom just nodded and went to go start the ramen. "Thanks mom," I call out to her before going back out to my RV, where Cat was waiting. "Okay, here we are." I unlock the door and Cat steps inside.

She giggles a little. "It's so cute!"I chuckled as she wandered around, looking at everything.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

Cat looked over. "Okay!"

I smiled. "What movie do you want to watch?"

Cat frowned. "Do you have the Titanic? It's my favorite!"

I nodded. "Yeah, we have that." Just as I was clicking on the movie, my mom knocked. She was carrying a tray with two bowls of ramen, as well as a bag full of blankets, pillows, and my hoodie. "Thanks mom," she kissed my cheek and I brought everything inside. "Here Cat," I gave her the hoodie.

She smiled. "Thank you!" She put it on and flopped onto the pile of blankets and pillows, laughing. I smiled and plopped down next to her as the movie began to play. She grabbed her ramen and watched the TV screen intently, as if she'd never seen the movie.

I just smiled. Cat was so adorable. I wrapped an arm around Cat's shoulder and as the minutes went by, she started to doze off. Soon enough, she was sound asleep with her head on my shoulder.

I carefully stood up and picked up Cat, laying her onto my bed and pulling the covers over her. I cleaned up the dishes and arranged the extra pillow and blankets into a sort-of bed, before laying down and closing my eyes, a smile on my face.

I'm so sorry for everything you're going through right now, Cat. I promise I'll make it right.

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