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When I got to Hollywood Arts the next morning, I was opening my locker when Tori walked up to me looking very concerned. "Hey Beck," she bit her lip.

I frowned. "Hey Tori, what's up?"

She grimaced. "Well, uh, I have some news."

I didn't stop frowning. "Okay, good news or bad news?"

Tori bit the inside of her cheek. "Oh, it's just... news."

Why was she acting so weird? "Okay, what's the news?"

Tori just grabbed my wrist and dragged me around the corner. What I saw knocked the breath right out of me. Daniel Parker had an arm wrapped around Cat's waist, and it looked like he was trying to swallow her. I almost gagged. Cat stepped away when she caught sight of Tori and I.

"Oh, hi Beck!" Cat smiled, but it didn't look quiet as genuine as usual. "This is my boyfriend, Danny!" She turned to Daniel. "Danny, you've met Beck right?"

Daniel nodded. "Yeah, we've met." He have me a friendly smile and I returned it, resisting the urge to knock out this guy's teeth. He cheated on Cat with Tori last year, and I still haven't forgiven him. Cat was a mess that entire week, and it's because of this slimeball.

Cat looked over at me. "Danny transferred schools! He auditioned about a week ago and they let him in." She smiled at her boyfriend. "Our families are good friends, and since my parents are out of town with my brother, I've been staying with him for the past few weeks." Cat giggled.


I clenched my fists, closing my eyes for a minute. If Cat forgave him, so should you. Cat can take care of herself, you don't need to look after her.  I smiled at Cat and Tori. "Well, why don't we get to Sikowitz's before we're late?" Just as I said that, the bell rang and everyone started leaving the halls. Cat looked away from Danny and started walking with Tori and I, but Danny gripped her waist and pulled her in for another kiss. "I'll find you at lunch," he whispered and let her go. Cat smiled and walked away as we left for Sikowitz's class.

Cat sat down next to me in the middle row and as Sikowitz walked inside, I noticed that she looked a little pale and was wearing much more makeup then usual. Before I could ask her what was wrong, Sikowitz clapped his hands very, very loudly and grinned.

"Hello children! Now, before we get started, I have some important news." Everyone leaned forward. "I have the cast list for a little movie called 'Downtown Lights'-" everyone started shouting for him to read it. Sikowitz frowned and yelled "SILENCE!" We all shut up. Sikowitz opened the piece of paper he was holding and grinned.

"We have..." Sikowitz smiled evilly and paused.

"JUST READ IT," Jade shouted. Sikowitz frowned and looked back at the paper.

"We have Robbie Shapiro as Victor, Beck Oliver as Noah, Cat Valentine as Isabelle-"

"WHAT?!" Tori yelled.

Sikowitz frowned.

Tori was seething. "The freakish dipstick over here should not be playing Isabelle," Tori growled. "She's too idiotic to be able to play the part well." I wrapped my arm around Cat's shoulder as tears welled up in her big brown eyes. She buried her face in my shoulder.

I stood up. "You are being such an inconsiderate brat! Did you ever think that maybe Cat does have talent?" Tori was silent. "Cat's never had the opportunity to be in the spotlight, because you are always taking it for yourself. Well, do you know what I think? I think Cat is much more talented then you, so just sit down and let Sikowitz finish." I sat down again and wrapped an arm around Cat, who looked up at me.

"Thank you," she whispered, wiping her eyes.

I smiled. "Anytime, Kitty Cat." She smiled at the nickname and looked back at Sikowitz, who just finished reading the list like nothing happened.

When the bell rang, I got up and as I was walking out the door, I noticed Tori keeping her distance from Cat and I. Good.

After a few more classes, I walked with Andre and Jade to a lunch table, where I sat down and grabbed my sandwich. Immediately, a swarm of girls crammed onto the available seats.

"Hey Beck-"

"Omg Beck you look-"

"Beck, I got you-"

"Ladies!" I look at them. "These seats are taken. Andre and I are waiting on some friends." They all looked defeated and walked away.

Andre just chuckled. "The swarm has been vanquished!"

I groaned, but my frown instantly turned into a smile when I saw Cat walking toward us. And it turned into a frown again when I saw Daniel's arm wrapped around her waist. Cat smiled and sat down next to me. "Hi guys!" She giggled as Daniel split his burrito in half and gave one to Cat. "Thank you," she smiled. I looked over at Andre, who seemed to be staring at something behind Jade.

"Andre? Earth to Andre?" Andre looked over at me.

"What? Sorry, I got distracted."

I chuckled. "So Cat, Danny, Robbie, Jade, and I are going to Karaoke Dokie tonight; wanna come?"

Andre grinned. "Yeah I do."

I smiled. "Sweet. Jade will pick you up at 5:30; I'm grabbing Cat and Danny."

Andre nodded. "Cool chiz."

The rest of the day went by uneventfully, and soon enough I was knocking on Danny's front door. He answered and grinned. "Beck! Great timing, she's almost done."

I returned the grin. "Thanks Danny." Soon enough I heard a door open from upstairs and I turned to see Cat walked down the stairs, looking quite uncomfortable in her outfit.

I couldn't take my eyes away. She was gorgeous.

Cat was wearing a pair of short, high waisted black jean shorts that showed off her legs, a light purple crop top, and some black high tops. She looked stunning.

I didn't even pay attention to Danny as I opened the truck door for the couple to get in. I drove us all to Karaoke Dokie, where we were met by Andre, Jade and Robbie. We got a table just as the DJ grabbed his mic. "Okay, that was Michael and Katie singing 'Let it Live' by Ginger Fox!" Who's next?"

Jade looked over at Cat with a grin. "You ready Cat?" Cat just giggled and nodded, getting up and walking over to the DJ as Jade grabbed two mics.

"And here we have Jade West and Cat Valentine singing 'Give It Up' by V&V!"

Everyone clapped as the music started and Jade grinned.

"Some day I let you in.

Treat you right, drive you out of your mind!"

Cat smiled and started singing. I swear she was blessed by angels to give her a voice like that.

"Ooo, you never met a chick like me!

Burn so bright, I'm gonna make you blind."

As Jade and Cat continued the song, I couldn't help but notice the nervous glances Cat kept giving her boyfriend, and the oddly threatening ones he would return. I wonder what that's about...

As Cat and Jade finished the song, our whole table was standing and clapping. Cat squealed and ran off the stage and wrapped her arms around me. "You did amazing, Cat!"

She blushed. "Thanks Beck, that-"

Danny wrapped his arms around Cat's waist and pulled her toward him, dragging her over to his seat where she sat on his lap. "You did great baby," he whispered onto her neck. Cat shivered, but I don't think it was what it seemed.

What is going on?

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