32 - this life is sweeter than fiction

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When we'd finished listening to the album, skipping the singles, we were all led back to the backyard again as Taylor was going to get ready for the meet and greets.

Soon enough, they started calling people in to meet Taylor, and I could tell my friends were getting pretty nervous.

"I promise y'all, she's super super super nice. She'll want to give you a hug as soon as you walk in, and you'll just talk. She has a way with people that instantly makes you feel like you've known her your entire life," I assured them, and Maeve looked at me worriedly.

"I'm just so afraid that I'll say something stupid, and she won't like me."

"I'm not saying you will, but if you do, she'll just laugh it off. And she already likes you and can't wait to meet you, she told me so herself."

"Really? Are you serious?" she asked and squealed when I nodded. "How? Why did she say that? Were you guys talking about me? Have you told her stuff about me? Oh no, does she know about the toilet thing at school?"

"What toilet thing?" Wyatt asked, and I rolled my eyes at him and smirked.

"Maeve, stop. You're working yourself up. I haven't told her anything bad about you. I just mentioned that you were excited to be here and to meet her, and she said she was excited to meet you too. That was it."

That seemed to calm her down a notch and she nodded. "Oh, okay."

"And besides, she's already seen and heard you before. First of all, she's obviously done some taylurking, and she also joined the Instagram live that you were in. You know, when I heard her come home and thought someone was breaking in?"

"She saw that?!" Maeve exclaimed, shocked.

"Uh-huh, so don't worry. She already knows the real you, and if you do something stupid now, then she'll know it's because you're nervous." I looked around to see if anyone was listening and lowered my voice. "Plus, you'll get to meet her loads of times when you come to visit."

She grinned at me, making her dimples even more evident. "I'll get to come visit?" she asked in disbelief.

"Of course! You're my bestie, I'll have to show you my cats and my room eventually."

She squealed and engulfed me in a tight hug that I returned.


A really, really long time passed before Meghan went to get Maeve for the meet and greet, and I gave her a tight, good luck hug and told her to get me before she left. By then, most of our friend group had already met Taylor, and it was just Wyatt and another girl left from our group. Wyatt had just turned eighteen and wouldn't get to meet her until later tonight, since they were going alphabetically and were starting from A again when all the minors were gone.

While they chatted with each other, I decided to go see if there was any pizza left as I was starting to get hungry again. There were only two slices left from a cheese pizza, and just as I reached over to grab one of them, another set of hands did the same. I looked up to see a guy standing right next to me, and we laughed a little since we'd both thought of taking the same slice, before I went to grab the other one instead.

"I'm Noah," he said and took a bite of his slice.

"Skye," I greeted back with pizza already in my mouth.

His face turned to look surprised. "Wait, you're the Skye, as in her daughter?"

I nodded and swallowed my bite. "Yup, that's me."

in my wildest dreams - a taylor swift fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now