63 - born into nothing, with them i have something

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Maeve and I descended the stairs from my room and were about to go outside to the patio when Taylor's voice called out from the kitchen. "Girls! Could you come and help me carry this outside please?"

I carried a chilled pitcher of sweet tea and a bunch of dessert spoons, while Maeve took the glasses. Together, we brought everything outside to Andrea's backyard where the others were already waiting out on the grass, under the shade of a massive cantilever umbrella. Joe was sitting on one of the outdoor couches next to Andrea and beckoned for me to sit down on his other side. On the couch across from us sat Maeve, Zade, Austin and Erin, and to our left in two separate chairs sat Scott and Connor.

I brought my legs up onto the couch and leaned against Joe, watching everyone chatting and having a good time. It had been raining for almost an entire month with several days of thunderstorms, but the weather had finally cleared up and the sun was shining brightly from the blue sky.

A minute later, Taylor emerged from the house carrying a light pink cake, similar to the first birthday cake she'd baked for my 14th birthday. "Who wants cake?" she called out and carefully put it down on the table.

"I do!" Connor and Zade chorused loudly, making me roll my eyes at them, and I shared a smile with Taylor.

She started cutting the cake and handed out plates until everyone had gotten a piece, before she settled down next to me with her own piece of cake.

"Oh no, Mom, watch out," I said quickly, pointing at Kitty who was making her way toward the table, her tail wagging excitedly. Taylor moved swiftly, stopping the dog just in time before she could reach the dessert.

A disappointed Kitty walked around the table instead and settled down on the cool grass, half-hidden under Connor's chair, and drifted off to sleep.

"Alright, everyone," Taylor announced when most of us were on our second piece. "I want to make a speech."

I scrunched my face up in protest, knowing that her words would likely be overly sentimental and embarrassing, and anxiously watched her put the plate down and stand up. "No, Mom. Don't," I pleaded and tried to pull her back down onto the couch, but she just swatted my hand away.

"As all of you know, today is a very special day..." Taylor began. I turned to hide my face in Joe's chest, feeling a flush of embarrassment wash over me. Despite her sweet intentions, something about it made me squirm. "Because," she continued, "exactly a year ago today, Skye officially became part of this family."

Everyone around the coffee table started whooping and clapping. Austin leaned forward on the couch and used the coffee table in front of him as a drum, drumming his fingers against it. I felt my cheeks grow even hotter, but it also made me smile.

"Now, she'd already been a part of the family for a while, but it was on this day that I knew no one would ever be able to take her away from me."

I turned to look up at her with a small, shy smile, and she met my eyes.

"I know I tell you this every day, but I don't think you'll ever truly understand how much I love you Skye," Taylor continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "The day that I could officially call myself your mom, and introduce you as my daughter, was truly one of the happiest days of my life."

Joe wrapped an arm around me and brushed his thumb over my right arm, and I leaned my head back and rested it on his shoulder.

"And, as you know, life isn't always easy. There are so many unexpected things that could happen, but you will never, ever have to go through it alone. You will always have me, and you'll always have Joe, and Grandma, and Grandpa, and Austin. We're your forever family, whether you like it or not, and we love you so, so, so, so, so much."

It looked like she was on the verge of tears, and she sat down again next to me.

"I love you too," I grinned, putting my arms around Joe's and Taylor's backs and pulling them both into a tight hug.

"I wanna make a speech too!" Connor quickly exclaimed. His sudden outburst caught us all by surprise and made everyone turn to look at him as he stood up on top of his chair.

I let go of Taylor and Joe and watched in disbelief as he cleared his throat and began speaking in a bizarre pretend accent, taking exaggerated pauses between his words. "I — have known — Skye — for ten — whole — years."

I started giggling at him, and Maeve and Zade joined in.

"Connor, what are you doing? Get down," Taylor said, her voice tinged with concern. I noticed that the chair he was standing on looked wobbly and unstable, but Connor seemed oblivious to the danger and ignored Taylor's words.

"We were little itty bitty babies when we met," he continued with the accent, and I snorted a laugh. "And I just wanna say, I-!"

But we never got to hear what he had to say because, at that exact moment, Kitty stood up and accidentally knocked into his chair, sending both Connor and the chair crashing to the ground. I gasped in shock, my hands flying up to cover my mouth as Taylor, Scott and Austin rushed over to help him.

For a moment, all was silent as we waited to see if Connor was okay. Then, Zade failed to suppress a laugh, and the three of us erupted into fits of laughter again, the tension broken.

"I'm fine!" Connor called out, while the adults were checking on him. "I'm not an itty bitty baby anymore!"

This even made all of the adults laugh, and they backed off after making sure he hadn't hurt himself.

"Well," Austin said, as we settled back into our seats. "Erin and I actually have something to share with everyone." He turned to look at Erin next to him on the couch. "Babe?"

"We're engaged!" Erin exclaimed happily, holding her hand out to show us a beautiful diamond ring on her finger.

"Oh my god!" Taylor and Andrea shouted in unison, and the rest of us broke out into cheers and congratulations.

"Erin!" Taylor squealed and hurried over to give Erin a hug and get a closer look at the ring. "I am so happy for you!"

"Congrats son," Scott said happily, hugging Austin after Andrea had finally let go of him.

We were all really overwhelmed with happiness, and the air was filled with the sound of laughter and excited chatter. I leaned back on the couch and smiled as I watched my family celebrating together. At that moment, I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate my adoption day.

"Skye! Come look at this ring!" Taylor called out, and I sniggered at her excitement as I got up to check out the ring.




btw yes this is the final chapter lmao that's why it's so short and nothing really happens - the next one is the epilogue :)

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