35 - family that i chose

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Olivia jumped onto my stomach, waking me up, and I had to push her off of me. "Olivia, don't. Get off," I groaned and turned around in my bed, pulling the covers back over my shoulder.

I felt the white cat kneading against my back before settling down so that she was lying outstretched against me, but we both shot up a second later when the door swung open.

"Good morning, I know you're up. I heard you talking," Taylor said happily, walking over to sit down on my bed next to me and Olivia.

I groaned and pressed the comforter to my ear to block her out, but it didn't do much.

"Aren't you excited? Joe will get here in less than an hour, we're leaving for the trip in four days, and release week and your birthday's only in two weeks!" she cheerily listed off on her fingers, petting Olivia with her other hand who lay down again next to me.

"Yeah, but I wanna sleep for at least an hour more," I replied, rolling over to lie on my back, before I pulled the covers all the way up over my head.

"Don't you want to be up when Joe gets here?"

I took a deep breath before I pushed the sheets down away from my face and opened my eyes to stare into her sparkling blue ones. She smiled down at me and reached over to rub my shoulder with the hand that had been petting Olivia. "Good morning," she repeated.

I blinked up at her before I rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands and yawned. "When is the Teen Choice Awards?" I asked because she hadn't mentioned them, and I knew they were soon.

"Oh, that's on Sunday, the day before we leave. Come on, let's have some breakfast before Joe gets here."

We went downstairs with Olivia following us, and everything Taylor had said got me into a happy mood. There were a lot of things to look forward to this month, and though I hadn't been excited before, I was now.

Fearless, the album, played in the background from Taylor's red speaker that I'd put on the counter as we had breakfast in the dimly lit kitchen. Neither of us had much to say, but I really appreciated that we could sit in a comfortable silence and just enjoy each other's company.

Taylor's phone buzzed from next to her, and her lips formed a grin when she read the text.

"He's here," she beamed and got up from the counter stool. I was leaning over my bowl of cereal to avoid spilling the milk and had just taken another spoonful but looked up at Taylor over the bowl.

"Wait," I said with cereal in my mouth, and quickly finished the bowl, raising it over my head that I tilted back to pour the rest of the milk into my mouth.

Taylor waited for me in the doorway, and just as I'd finished rinsing the bowl in the sink, we heard the front door open and close. "Taylor? Skye?"

The familiar voice made me smile, and we both started making our way through the house to the front door.

"Joe!" I called out when I saw him and ran over to hug him. He engulfed me in a bear hug and reached over to hug and kiss Taylor when we'd pulled away. I noticed Benji in the cat carrier and let him out, picking him up. He'd already grown so much since we got him, and his fur had also gotten longer and fluffier.

"Hey babe," Taylor said, grinning up at him, and he pecked her on the lips once more with a grin of his own.


They were so cute, and I had a strong urge to take a picture of them to remember these little moments, but I knew better than to actually do it. We made our way into the living room together and they snuggled up in one couch as I settled down with Benji in the other.

in my wildest dreams - a taylor swift fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now