42 - a sweet memory for you and me someday

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September 8, 2019

Dear Diary,

I've never owned a diary before so I'm not really sure what to write in here. My mom gave me this two weeks ago when I turned 15 but I forgot about it until now.

We're in Nashville now but we are leaving to go to Paris tmrw. Mom is having a small concert there and she's going to play a couple of songs from her new album Lover! I am SO excited to see her play Daylight live, I think it's my favorite from Lover as of right now but it changes so often I can barely even keep up.

Corinne is coming over in an hour so we can see each other b4 we leave. I'm a little nervous about it because she's never been to my house before and nothing nowadays seems to go according to plan. The last time we saw each other we went on our first real date (it was my first date ever, very exciting!) but then pictures of it were leaked on social media and EVERYONE saw them!

Ugh it takes such a long time to write in this and my hand is starting to cramp. I'm just gonna say that Maeve saw it and both of my best friends are mad at me now and have been for a few weeks:(

I just want everything to go back to normal again

After I signed my name at the bottom of the page, I put the pencil down and closed the diary, gazing down at the cover as I stretched my fingers. It was a very pretty light blue color with white clouds, illustrating a sky. I knew Taylor loved journaling and had done it ever since she was a little kid, but I'd never owned a diary before now, so I wasn't really sure what to write in it. I didn't want to get too personal in case anyone else would read it, and it also required a lot more work and patience writing with a pencil than I thought it would.

Suddenly, I heard Taylor's phone going off and turned to see it lying on the kitchen counter.

"Mom! Your phone is ringing!" I called out from where I was sitting at the dining table since Taylor was nowhere in sight.

"Will you please take that for me, hun?" Taylor called back from upstairs, and I sighed but made my way over to pick up the phone. I smiled when I saw a picture of Ed and Taylor in the RED era and answered the call.

"Hi Ed! It's Skye!" I said, going back through the dining room to sit down on the couch.

"Skye! I haven't talked to you in ages! How are you?" he greeted me.

"I'm okay. I've been better. How are you?"

"Oh, sorry to hear that. I'm fine. What are you guys doing? Where are you? Does your mom happen to be free?"

I rested my head against the backrest and petted Olivia who'd sprawled out on her back next to me on the couch.

"We're in Nashville but mom's getting ready to leave for Paris tomorrow. I'm waiting for my, uhm, friend to come over so we can see each other before we leave."

"Oh, right. Damn it, I forgot you were going to Paris. She told me last week."

I watched as Taylor came down the stairs and walked over to me, exaggeratedly mouthing, "Who is it?"

"Ed," I answered her and forgot that he could hear me through the phone.

"Yeah?" I heard him ask, making me smile.

"No, I was just telling mom that you were the one calling. She just came downstairs so I'm gonna give the phone to her now."

"Those are cute," Taylor said quietly, pointing to my two half up half down space buns as she sat down next to me on the couch, and I gave her an appreciative smile but didn't have time to say anything before Ed spoke.

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