Break Out

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Technoblade looks at the gathered forces of Nikki, Ranboo, and Phil.

"So, are you all in?"

Nikki smiles and nods. Ranboo stutters out a hesitant yes. Phil just chuckles darkly beside him.

Techno nods solemnly. Now was the time.

Techno leads the three members of the syndicate to a hidden stairwell in the Syndicate's meeting room. They trek down, down, down. Lower and lower as torches light the wide hallway down.

Soon the stairwell leads to two massive doors that Techno places two buttons near and presses, letting the doors open to reveal a large vault filled with more weapons, armor, and potions than they'd need in three lifetimes. Wither skulls decorate the walls of the large room and large pillars of blackstone cover the walls.

The vault looks magnificent and much effort has been put into the design of the room.

Nikki gapes at the second, more intricately made and stocked vault. Once again being astounded by the sheer wealth of the founders of the Syndicate.

Ranboo slowly spins around, eyes wide and a shocked warble falling from his lips. Unlike Nikki, Ranboo had never seen Technoblade's pervious vault in it's prime. So this reveal was astounding to the ender hybrid.

Phil let's out a shocked laugh. Of course, Phil helped Techno build the room, but Techno stocked the vault all by himself. That left Phil to work on his other projects and, it also left Phil in the dark about exactly how decked out the vault would be.

"Grab your supplies, people. We've got some inmates to break out." Techno claims, grabbing some potions and some wither skulls.

Nikki and Ranboo run to the armor and weapons, then quickly grab some potions.

Phil grabs some wither skulls, potions, and got handed two potions of slow falling by Technoblade.

With that, the four friends leave the vault, ready to level the prison to the ground.

Sam slams the door to Arrow's cell open,only to find a beaten, and scarred child cowering in the corner of the room.

Quackity was long gone. The human leaving the child to get an infection or develop hypothermia or die of blood loss.

Sam ran over to the child, only to hear the door close and lock behind him. Spinning around and staring at the now closed door behind him Sam runs over and attempts to open the door. It was no use, however. The door could only be opened from the outside. He was trapped.

The speaker crackles on and a familiar voice of a certain human echos through the small room.

"Nice of you to join us, Sam. Sorry to say, but you missed me by just a bit. But, not to worry! You can stay with that little abomination and make sure my new punching bag doesn't die on me. Hm?"

"QUACKITY! LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Sam yells, pounding his fist on the door, making Arrow flinch.

"Hmmm... No." Responds the voice from the speaker before shutting off.

Sam sighs and turns around, kneeling in front of Arrow, opening the small first aid kit he brought.

"Come on, kiddo. Gotta sit up. Let me see about healing those wounds, hm?" Sam asks gently.

Arrow whines, but says nothing, not moving in the slightest. They mutter something in piglin, but nothing that Sam could understand.

The child was obviously traumatized by whatever Quackity did to them. They had retreated into base instincts. When fighting back, which only made things worse. The child resorted to hiding and cowering.

After much coaxing and convincing, Sam managed to patch up the child's wounds.

The child refused to get near the large creeper hybrid, however. The much preferred to keep to themselves, speaking in piglin to the air and singing, once again, in piglin.

Sam sighs and slides down a wall, and putting his head in his knees.

How did he manage to find himself in this position?

Quackity was having a good day. It had been about two weeks since he captured the child and a week since he locked Sam in there with the child.

Quackity was smart and forced Sam to drop his armor and weapons, "or else the child gets it". Then he chained the creeper up to a wall, forcing the warden to watch as he plays with Arrow.

Cutting, hitting, punching, you name it, he did it. Sam could only scream and thrash about in his chains as he was forced to watch.

Suddenly, alarms were blaring and doors close and lock. Rumbling can be heard.

Slowly, bit by bit, the prison began to shake apart.

The sound of withers were permeating through the air.

Footsteps could be heard outside the cell, and for the first time in a while, Quackity was scared.

He was armorless and only armed with a diamond axe and some shears, his preferred torture method.

Suddenly, the door is broken down as a large, pink haired piglin hybrid stands at the door.

Technoblade stares down at the three in the cell, and gives a feral grin. "I found Arrow. Go ahead and get the other one." He speaks into his communicator.

Static crackles for a second and then three different voices of affirmation sound through the communicator.

Quackity growls and turns to grab at the piglin child, but the child manages to scurry just out of reach and run past him, a piglin word shouting from their lips.

Technoblade instantly drops to his knees as he scoops up the child in his arms. He whispers reassurances into the child's ears in piglin.

Quackity takes a step forward, fully intending to rip the child from the father's arms, only to be met with a sharp glare.

A sword is suddenly pointed at Quackity's throat. "Did you need something, Duckie?"

Quackity growls as he lunges forward, only to be impaled by a sword through his abdomen.

"I think I'mma just leave you like this for a while." Technoblade growls, before looking at Sam, stomping a foot on the hunan's chest. "Why are you locked up?"

Sam sighs and looks away in shame for a moment. "I was trying to help the kids out. All that I managed to do was get locked up here."

Technoblade nods and glances down at the human. "Has he done this to Dream as well?"

Sam flinches, but eventually nods. "Yes. I- I allowed him to do some similar things to the prisoner."

Technoblade growls and glares at Sam. "His name is Dream. And you had no right to increase his punishment without a proper trial."

Sam hangs his head in shame.

Technoblade kicks Quackity in the side, before walking out with his kid. "As a punishment for your inaction, I'm going to leave you here."

With that, Technoblade was gone.

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