5. A wild awakening

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Sunday – 25th of April 2021

Stefania was starting to wake up as she felt the blonde moving next to her. The blonde was turning over, nestled her head on Stefania's chest, while the blonde's legs went between her legs as she felt an arm being put around her waist. She started to open her eyes, trying to get used to the bright light that was filling the bedroom. She smiled at the way Danielle was tangled onto her body, almost like she was morphing into one body. She started caressing the American's back while putting her other arm around her waist, trying to find even more closeness to the blonde. Her mind was running ramped thinking about how beautiful the blonde was. Her soft skin that was shining because of the bright sunshine kissing her skin. Her face looked so calm, lying on her chest. Such a natural beauty, the brunette thought. Truth be told, Stefania has always thought that the blonde was the most beautiful woman she had ever laid her eyes on. She placed a kiss on her forehead, making the blonde move while slowly waking up.

"Good morning bambina," Stefania said while gently massaging Danielle's head. Danielle looked up at Stefania with her eyes still mostly shut while she slowly started realizing she was basically lying on top of the beautiful Italian. Her cheeks turned to a light pink shade while she nuzzled her face into the brunette's neck, not awake enough to say anything just yet. All she could let out was a small "hmm" while tightening her grip on Stefania's waist. She didn't know why, but all she could think about was wanting to wake up to and with Stefania like this every day. She slowly pressed a kiss on Stefania's neck, earning a soft groan from her in response. Stefania was shocked at the sound she accidentally made which made her feel a bit embarrassed. "I'm going to make us some coffee," she said while sliding out of the blonde's embrace while holding her head and gently putting her down on the pillow. "Thank you," she replied sleepily, closing her eyes again and dozing back to sleep.

The Italian made her way to the kitchen with Jeff following her. Jeff stood in front of the door that led to the garden, wanting to do her business. She quickly made her way to the door, opening it for her baby. Smiling at the zoomies her baby was making in the garden, excited to be outside and for finally being able to do her business. As she walked back to the kitchen, she decided to go through the cabinets, wanting to make the blonde breakfast in bed. It always boggled her mind how much Danielle liked her food. Anything food related, made Danielle happy. Stefania found it endearing and sweet. She felt right at home in the kitchen while she found everything she needed to make Carina's signature gourmet French toast. Once she finished, she plated everything up to take back to Danielle's bedroom.

As she was walking back in, she saw the blonde lying on the side she was sleeping on just thirty minutes before while hugging her pillow. She put the tray down on the nightstand next to the bed, picked Jeff up and put her right on Danielle's chest. The fluffball was now jumping down on her while licking her face. Danielle suddenly woke up laughing, "Ouch! What's going on? Get off me you baby," she said while rolling over so the dog wasn't on top of her anymore. Meanwhile Stefania was just laughing at the scene in front of her, encouraging Jeff "Come on Jeff, get here!" she said. "Hey, get your ass over her Spampinato!" she replied trying to grab Stefania's waist which ultimately failed since Stefania took a step back and Danielle lost her balance.

Danielle was now on the ground, Stefania hysterically laughing in response, Jeff jumping down as she was getting excited about the commotion of both the women being on the floor. The blonde tried to give an angry face to the brunette but couldn't keep herself from laughing anymore. Both lying on the floor, trying to catch their breath while wiping their tears away from laughing.

The laughter died down as they now turned their heads towards each other, only inches away, locking their eyes. "I'm going to miss this. Us. Spending time together," Danielle said while petting Jeff who was now lying down on her chest. "I'm going to miss you too, bella," she responded while sitting up, still keeping her eyes locked on the blue eyed woman in front of her. "So you made me breakfast huh? It smells amazing. You did not have to do that. Thank you!" Danielle said, trying to sit up with Jeff now moving to her lap. "Breakfast on the floor it is then," Stefania said while joining the blonde, now both leaning against the bed on the ground.

After having finished breakfast, both were getting ready for the day. They had decided on playing games while having Grey's Anatomy on in the background. "Danielle, can I come in please," Stefania said while knocking a few times, "I really have to pee,". She didn't have a chance to respond as the Italian was already walking into the bathroom, sitting down on the toilet. Danielle's body was hidden behind the fog of the warm water and steam in the bathroom. "You do know that I have a bathroom in the hallway too, right?", she said laughing, trying to not look towards the toilet to give the Italian some privacy. To which in retrospect, the Italian didn't give her any privacy either, but she didn't really mind.

She liked that they felt so at ease and safe with each other that there was no shame between them. "It was too far away, I couldn't hold out any longer," she lied, just missing the blonde already, while flushing the toilet and washing her hands. "STEF!" Danielle screamed, as the water turned cold which instinctively made her get out of the shower. Now standing fully naked in front of the Italian.

They stared at each other. Stefania couldn't help but subtly glance down a bit, not really expecting it to have such an impact on her mind and belly right now. Danielle noticed the Italian looking at her which made her feel exposed yet confident as well with the way Stefania was looking at her. "Hey, eyes up here Spampinato," Danielle said while grabbing the towel next to her, covering up her body. "S-sorry,", quickly turning around with a blush on her face. "I'll be in the living room," she said while walking out, letting the blonde be on her own to finish getting ready. Danielle, now smiling at herself because of the interaction that just happened between them.

She decided to quickly get ready so she could spend as much time with the Italian before she had to leave, already getting emotional thinking about it. Opting for some black shorts and an oversized t-shirt, she made her way to the living room with the gift she had made for the Italian.

Author's note

Hope you have a good weekend everyone <3
I'm sick and resting up which means I have more time to write so I might update tomorrow as well.

Just wanted to end with saying: you are beautiful, you are valid and you are enough, don't let anyone treat or tell you differently.

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