18. Stealing smooches

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Sunday 6th of June 2021

Yesterday's storage closet activities had been blissful and very much needed. Since then, they had been occupied by taking care of Stefania's father after he was allowed to go home after the surgery. Their night was filled with cleaning, cooking and accompanying Mr. Spampinato.

Danielle had went to bed earlier, her jetlag having kicked in. She had tried to fight off her sleep because she wanted to spend time with Stefania. Hoping to talk about the storage room and to maybe have another make out and cuddle session before falling asleep. However, that hope was crushed as Stefania had insisted on her getting some sleep.

When Stefania walked into her bedroom, Danielle was already fast asleep. She grinned at the sight of the blonde as her mouth was half open and was laying like Patrick from Spongebob. When she got under the covers, she realized that they both had the same idea as they were both not wearing their pajamas.

There was no ulterior motive, apart from the fact that they'd be closer together. Able to melt into each other once more. It was the small things like this, that made her love Danielle even more.

Danielle was woken up from her sleep as the Italian made herself comfortable, facing the other way. She wasn't amused so naturally she moved herself over to Stefania, wrapping her arm around her waist as she was now spooning her.

She nuzzled her face into the back of her neck, feeling much better now that she was holding Stefania. Both drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


Just like the morning before, the blonde had woken up earlier, rubbing her eyes as she got rid of her rheum. Wanting to stretch, she soon realized that she had no space to because the brunette was almost fully on top of her.

She laughed when she looked at how the brunette was laying on top of her. It looked very uncomfortable to say the least. She guessed it was the dancer in her that made her body this flexible to lay in this position.

The brunette had her head on the blonde's boobs. Her right arm was above both of their heads, as her right hip was on her stomach. Her right leg went all the way over her other side, her leg dangling down the side of the bed. Oh, and not to forget the hair that was all over her face and nearly in Danielle's mouth if she had not moved her face.

She made a move to get the hair out of Stefania's face. Once her face was clear of hair, she couldn't help but kiss her face wherever her lips could reach. Her warm and soft lips brought the brunette out of her sleep, "Hmm," Stefania changed positions, now laying completely on top of Danielle. Her face in the crook of her neck, leaving sloppy and wet pecks.

Both women were loving this new dynamic between them. Even though they hadn't talked about everything yet, which would certainly come with anxiety, they both knew that it was going to be okay. They were going to be okay.

"Ugh my body aches," she whined. "Well, mine would too with you laying the way you slept on me," she softly said with a slight grin on her face. "Where does it ache beautiful?" caressing her back as she waited for an answer which took longer than expected. "Baby?"

Stefania felt herself getting shy, loving the way Danielle just called her. She hid her face even further away, leaving another wet kiss behind the blonde's ear, hearing a groan in response. "I like it when you call me that," she shyly said, leaving another smooch on her jaw as she perked her head up a bit more.

Danielle couldn't help but smile, "Where does it ache the most, baby?" pressing a kiss to her forehead. As the brunette locked her hazel brown eyes with the ocean blue eyes, she moved closer, leaving a small kiss on her lips. "My back and shoulders," she said, exaggerating her pout.

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