10. Is this jealousy?

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Wednesday 28th of April 2021

Stefania had been on the road with Leco for a full day now. She was excited to see her photographer and best friend again. At the same time, she felt conflicted because of a text she had received from her favorite person yesterday. She didn't quite know how to respond cause quite honestly; she didn't know how she felt.

The image attached to Danielle's text, took her by surprise. Her eyes immediately widening, looking the blonde up and down. Danielle was the most beautiful woman to Stefania. The way her eyes looked darker, as if she was looking right through her soul. Her eyes lingering on the blonde's chest. It's not like she hasn't seen it before. She's even seen her naked just a few days ago. That wasn't intentional. Reading the text alongside the picture, she realized the picture wasn't intentional either.

She caught herself feeling slightly disappointed that the picture wasn't meant for her. Who was it for then? Why would she send a picture like this to someone else? Danielle wasn't dating or crushing on anyone, right? She would've told her, right? Stefania felt herself getting lost in these intrusive questions, making her Italian blood boil a bit. 'Snap out of it Stefania', she thought to herself.

She tried to push her feelings aside, focusing on the road that Leco and her were driving on. Snapping a picture for her Instagram story of the road ahead of her, tagging Leco in the process. Not even a minute later, she saw her fans speculating about Leco and her. Slightly rolling her eyes and chuckling at the same time. Marina fans were always so invested in everything that her and Danielle post, speculating about their 'romantic' relationships with others and about what kind of relationship they had with each other.

Privacy was very important for Stefania. So much was already on display because of the increasing exposure from the shows. Only her family and close friends were up to date on her life. Coming to think of it, there was only one person who knew everything and ironically, she didn't at the same time.

Leco has been her photographer for a good few years now. He's become a very dear and trusted friend. They both loved traveling and had very similar interests like photography and videography. She didn't mind the speculation between Leco and her as much because it kind of gave her freedom of dating people if she ever felt the need or was interested in someone. For the past two years though, dating was out of the picture. She didn't feel the need nor wanted to date.

"What's on your mind?", Leco asked Stefania, having noticed her absence in the car. She was usually singing along with the music or excitedly looking around her, taking in the scenery. She was looking out of the window but wasn't taking in the scenery. She was staring ahead of her, lost in her thoughts. "Si, I'm fine. Just very tired,".

Stefania was a very jealous person. Healthy jealousy is good but for Stefania, her jealousy could take over. It wasn't something she did on purpose. Stefania her jealousy usually resulted in her pushing the person away and acting petty. When she was younger, she would sometimes get physical. Not one of her proudest moments. It however has gotten better over the years.

Is this jealousy? Was she feeling jealousy? Why was she feeling jealousy? Shit.

Meanwhile she still had not responded to Danielle. To be frank, she just wanted to know who it was meant to be fore. Just as she wanted to ask the blonde, she saw the three dots appear. Her breath quickened, leaving the chat directly. Scared to read what she was going to say.

Back in the US, Danielle's mind was going crazy. Stefania had left the blonde on read, which has never happened before. She felt like justifying her actions but also did not want to come across as desperate. She was pacing around her room. Jeff was laying on her bed, looking at the blonde. "Don't give me those judgy eyes Jeff, I'm panicking over here. Oh god, what if she's mad? Jeff, I can't have her mad at me". She started typing a message but was quick to stop, not knowing what to say

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