30. Am I good enough?

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"Hmmm", Stefania confusedly stirred awake, feeling her centre throbbing. Danielle once again woke up before her girlfriend, this time after a hot and steamy dream. She needed to have her hands over her love. She needed to feel close to her. She needed her touch. She needed to hear her. She needed to show Stefania how much she loved her.

A grin appeared on her face, proud of the effect that she had on the brunette seeing goosebumps arise on her skin. The soft moans from the brunette were music to her ears. She moved her lips to Stefania's neck, leaving purple marks everywhere she could. Her fingers still slowly circling her centre.

A feeling of complete bliss and pleasure shot through Stefania's body as her back arched up, "Danielle," she groggily released. "Hmm, yes my love?" Danielle teasingly said between kisses as she moved down to her chest. Stefania felt too much pleasure to properly reply back as she let out strings of broken moans as she felt a finger enter her.

Danielle looked up at her lover, feeling an intense sense of pride as Stefania's face was coaxed with ecstasy. Her morning hair all over the place, her eyes shut as she bit her lip in response to Danielle grazing her teeth over her nipple. "More bambina, more," she pleaded.

"Patience my love," she said between kisses as she moved down to the hem of the boxers that Stefania was wearing, which so happened to be hers. "I want to savor all of you," sultry lacing her voice as she slowly pushed in a second finger.

The build up was killing Stefania, "Fuck," she moaned. She loved and hated it at the same time when Danielle took her time with her. However, she knew this was going to be one of their last times for a while until they'd reunite again. She loved the sentiment behind Danielle's move to go slow.

After a minute of leaving marks on Stefania's abdomen, she wanted her lips elsewhere. She pulled her fingers out and sat between Stefania's legs. A gasp escaping her mouth as she felt empty. Blue eyes interlocked with brown eyes as she slowly brought her fingers up to her mouth, licking up Stefania's wetness.

Stefania's brown eyes turned a darker shade, her mouth open, trying not to drool at the sight in front of her. "You're so sexy," she whispered as she heard Danielle softly moaning, tasting her. Danielle's confidence ebbed away for a few seconds, shyness taking over as her cheeks turned red. "You taste so good,"

Danielle moved forward, hovering over Stefania as she placed her hands on Stefania's sides. "Ti amo Stefania," she whispered, her eyes glistering with love. She softly kissed her favorite part of Stefania, her lips. Allowing Stefania to taste her favorite taste. Danielle let out a sigh of content as she broke the kiss, finally moving down to take her boxers off.

The brunette felt an overwhelming sense of bewilderment, almost as if she was in trance, bewitched by the piercing blue eyes that were staring right through her soul. Blue eyes so bright like the Tenerife sea. She could swim and get lost in those eyes for an eternity.

Stefania tried to find Danielle's free hand, interlacing their fingers as soon as she found it. She brought their hands up to her face, pressing kisses all over her hand. She'd much rather have Danielle's actual lips but her fingers would do for now.

Danielle felt her hair being pulled, feeling herself be pulled closer to Stefania's centre. She smirked in response before attaching her lips to her centre, earning a loud groan from Stefania. "Danielle," she gasped, feeling herself getting closer to her release.

Like sunshine was needed for everything to live on earth, Stefania needed her sunshine from Danielle in order to live. There was no way she could breathe without having Danielle in her life. Her blonde locks almost just as bright as the actual sun that was shining through the sheer curtains.

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