14. You look like an angel

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Thursday 3rd of June 2021

Danielle woke up later than usual. A certain brunette on the other end of the phone had kept her up til late at night. Truthfully, Danielle wanted to stay awake as long as possible, scared of losing contact again. Their hour spent on FaceTime weren't even filled with continuous talking, they enjoyed each other's silence as well. The occasional staring, glancing and just smiling at each other, happening as well.

She was happily staring at her phone, feeling thankful that her person was doing okay and finally in a deep slumber. She was soon distracted by knocks on her door, quickly muting the call. Barret and Jaina both made their way to Danielle's bed after hearing "Come in,"

Jeff woke up, had her big morning stretch and greeted the three women out of excitement, wagging her tail. She quickly settled down and cuddled next to Danielle. "How is she?" Barret pointing her head to the phone on the nightstand. "I would say she's okay for now," she said while looking at the brunette on the screen, a lasting smile appearing on her face.

Both women noticed immediately, "What you smiling for D?," as Jaina winked at Danielle. She sighed, not knowing where to start but also excited to tell her friends, "We've been falling asleep together on the phone for almost every night now. It's been so comforting," their friends looked at her with a proud look.

She continued, "I feel so helpless that I can't be there for her physically. She's so scared. She's so anxious all the time since the earthquake and I feel helpless," her eyes started welling up. Her friends tried to comfort her, Jaina putting her hand on her leg while Barret stroked her arm.

"Being away from her is already so difficult but it makes it even worse, knowing that she's not okay. It makes my chest ache. I just don't know how to help her," she said with a sad expression on her face. "Mija, I think that you're doing everything that you can for her and I think Stefania knows that," Jaina responded. Danielle looked up at her, giving her a smile.


The brunette was still fast asleep on the other end of the phone, exhausted from being scared to fall asleep as she continuously felt like the bed was shaking. Her night was restless but felt more calm knowing that the blonde was on the other end of the phone. She wasn't completely on her own in her room.

She was slowly waking up, hearing her name being called, "Stefania. Steffff," she slowly opened her eyes. "Good morning beautiful," Danielle said with a huge grin on her face. Stefania looked at the time, it was just past 10am,  "Hi Bella," she groggily said with her morning voice. A voice that the blonde found very attractive.

Danielle had a shy demeanor to her, almost as if she felt guilty yet cheeky at the same time, "I missed you," giving Stefania a pout. Stefania was not a morning person. Anyone who interrupted her and her beauty sleep, was no friend of her. She however could not feel anything but joy and love for the woman in front of her. "Is that why you woke me," she asked pointing her finger at the blonde.

Danielle felt like a teenager, butterflies filling her stomach, "Maybe, maybe not," she said playfully. "I don't like being woken up, you know that," she furrowed her eyebrows. Danielle pouted, doubting if the brunette was upset with her, "I'm sorry, I just missed you," guiltily looking down. "You're such a puppy Danielle," she said while sitting up against the head board of the bed, grabbing her phone so she could look into the camera.

"Bambina, look at me," to which Danielle instantly responded, "You can wake me up anytime," she softly smiled. The blonde returned a smile, which quickly turned into a playful one, "Be careful what you wish for ms. Spampinato," resulting in a laugh from Stefania.

A knock on her door made her come back to reality. "Come in papa," she said as her papa opened her door. "How did you sleep bambina?" he asked, sitting down on the foot end of the bed.

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