13 - Computer use overload!

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So it seems that whenever we complain about something, parents always find a reason. When your parents blame everything on our use of phone/computer.

Like I might just say one day, I have a bad headache but the first reason that parents think of is this:

Me: I have a terrible headache! Let me rest for a while.

Parents: *quickly turns around* What do you expect? All day on the computer otherwise on the phone. If you're not using computer, then you use the phone. You know you're going to wear glasses very soon. 

But what they don't think about is that I might have a cold right now. I might as well have swine flu but no! All they know (and according to them, they're right) is that we use the phone too much.

But not just that, they don't understand our love for technology. Our situation is different to when our parents use the phone. Our parents just use it to just check out their Facebook (very clumsily) but we actually have a LIFE on our phones. We play games there, we watch shows, we stalk and the important of all, we can INTERNET!

There's a reason why parents don't like internet. (Because they don't know how to watch or play anything) whilst we can.

I have a good argument kids so make sure to use it on your parents! (jk)

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