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Zoro was slumbering near the Castle where Mihawk resides. Take it to Perona to disturb his nap with a scream

"Mihawk is calling you!"

"Tch, what does he want?" Zoro irritatingly woke up

"It's something about the straw hat!"

"Ok I'm coming"


"What's that you know about my captain?" Zoro tried to sound less tensed

"He's captured and is being executed within ten days in Marineford" Mihawk threw the bomb casually

Zoro took few seconds to digest whatever he heard

"Ok, Luffy's captured and is going to be executed.WHAT! LUFFY CAN'T YOU TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF ONE MOMENT I TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU GET CAPTURED!? THIS IS A SICK JOKE!" Zoro panicked

"Nope, it's not"

"I need to go and protect my Captain, take me there" Zoro demanded

"What is the magical word, Young lad?" Mihawk smirked

"P-p-Please" Zoro whispered which mihawk gladly heard

"Ok, I'm going to marineford anyway, I'll take you with me but according to the orders by the government I have to make sure to cut down every single neck which stops the execution, but I'll drop you near the marineford an hour before the execution with the ghost girl" Mihawk assured

"I don't need her help" Zoro snorted

"Knowing your navigation skills, yes you need"

"ok then thanks I guess"

Usopp was on his way for his next prey (he wasn't that fat or anything) when Heracles decided to stop him.

"Usopp'n stop eating and hunting all day!"

"Why? It's healthy!"

"Sit and read the newspaper it's healthy for your brain!"

Usopp was about to protest but stopped after seeing the picture in the newspaper. It was Luffy, his captain.

"Give me that paper" Usopp snatched the paper before Hercules could even say anything

On the outskirts of amazon Lilly straw hat Luffy was captured by Marshall D Teach now known as Blackbeard.

Monkey D Luffy 300 million berries, captain of straw hat pirates is locked in impel down prison and will be executed in 10 days.

Usopp gazed at the paper and then to Hercules and spoke

"No, no no no no, NO!"

"What happened usopp'n?"

Hercules has never seen Usopp getting this tensed

"My captain is imprisoned and is going to be executed within 10 days!"

"Oh God" Hercules started to panic

Usopp took his time for the all the new diseases which he found in his body, after half an hour of panicking Usopp decided that he needs to reach saboday and meet his crew

"But usopp'n what if your crew is not there?"

"Of course they would be there it's our captain!"

"Yea but won't they be going to Marineford?" Hercules pointed

"Hmm, yea, let's got to saboday first and then to Marineford, I may be a coward but my captain's life is more important to me than anything else," Usopp said confidentially.

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