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"Okay, Sanji san so I believe you understood how impel down is built," Koala asked

They are going split into two groups again, group 1 will protect the ship and group 2 will take the hostage and come back to the ship. If only group 1 will not make much trouble.

"Group 1: Sabo kun, Robin san, Sanji san, and me. We will go secretly. With Robin san and me, I hope the trouble is less. " Koala sighed

"Group 2: Hack san, okamas, Bello san, and her team" koala announced

"No we want to come too!" cried the okamas

"We have to greet our king of queens!"

"No! we don't want more people! Right Koala chan~" Sanji said with sweat dripping from his face

"Yes we don't need more people," koala said

"We are leaving in a submarine now" Sabo started to get ready and walk away, koala quickly walked behind sabo and motioned Robin and Sanji to follow her

"We need to complete the mission as fast as we can" sabo stated

"That's right, otherwise we will be in-" before koala finished, sabo continued

"Luffy must be hungry," sabo said quietly

Koala kept her hand on sabo's shoulder, Sanji and Robin smiled

'This is what brothers mean'


"Move in!" Shouted koala

"There... Move a little!... I can't breathe!"  gasped sabo

"Koala chan~ Robin chan~ I can lay as a mattress for you beauties~," Sanji said heart eyes

"It's not the time for you to show your perverted nature, help us!" Sabo shouted

"Finally!" Koala exhaled

The submarine was dangerously small, it was planned for only two people, not four people

"Tch, our  Shark Submerge III is more spacious than this shit" Sanji hissed

"Okay we are not comfortable but we somehow got fit, now let's go," koala said

It has two chairs and a small controller and that's it, very little space for standing.

Koala was sitting on Robin's lap and, sabo and Sanji was sitting on the other one

"Move your elbow damn it! I have to use the controller!" Sabo shouted

Sabo was sitting in between Sanji and the girls which made Sanji even angrier

"Can't you see where my hand is! I have no space! Move!" Sanji yelled

Before they could drown the submarine, Robin spoke

"I have an idea"

"What is it Robin chan?" Sanji asked seriously

"Koala san will sit on sabo san's lap" Robin stated to which koala blushed furiously

"What?! No way! she's heavy like a mountain" sabo argued

"What did you say!!" Koala punched sabo in the face

"Koala chan, Robin chan you both can sit on my laps~ for me you both are light as feathers~" Sanji's hair noodle danced

"tch, ok koala sits on me Sanji go that side" sabo said

"Robin chwan~" before Sanji could continue his sentence Robin spoke

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