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Somewhere in some ship

"Dragon san I see them!" Shouted koala

It's been 2 days traveling

"Isn't that ship too fancy?" asked sabo

"Remember sabo kun they are okamas, they love fancy stuff" whispered hatch

"Dragon san! We missed you!"

"Here it goes," said koala while she rolled her eyes

Dragon stopped that blondie okama

"Is that- REAL WOMAN!"

"Who the heck is that clown?" Asked sabo

"I don't know" replied hatch

"Robin- chan!! IS THAT YOU?!" Sanji shouted at the top of his lungs

"It's a surprise to see cook san here, how are you doing cook san?" Asked Robin smiling at Sanji

"Wait, that weirdo is the cook of your ship?" Asked sabo

"Who the heck are you calling weirdo?! Robin chan~ I have been having dreams in which you come to me and hug me and not leave me at all~"

Sabo was not happy with the behavior neither was dragon,

'why do you have these weird types of people in your ship luffy?' Sabo thought

Sanji's eyes laid on koala and Bello Betty

"Such beautiful women should not be standing under the sun, how about I carry you beautiful woman inside" Sanji noodle danced around them

Sabo lost it

"Hey, you! You are so weird, I can't believe luffy took womanizer weirdo in his crew! Wait, it's luffy who we are kidding of course he did, but I don't approve!" Sabo shouted

"What did you say?! and who the heck are you?!" Sanji lifted his leg to kick sabo but was stopped by Robin

"Sanji kun, he is the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, second in command," Robin said quietly

"Robin chan! You are on his side?! But Robin chan whatever he is, why the hell should I get good approval?!" Sanji was getting mad

"Sanji kun, he is luffy san's big brother," Robin said

"what? Luffy has a big brother?" Sanji asked

"Yes, he has, in fact, 2. As I remember the 2nd big brother is also quite famous"

" How do you know Robin chan?" Sanji inquired

"I asked captain san about his family, as you know, luffy san loves his family so much so we must respect his family," Robin said to which sabo nodded and glared at Sanji

"Huff..okay" Sanji blew his cigar

"Okay now, it will take us 7 days to reach impel down, luffy will be executed in 8 days" koala announced

"Okay then when we are near to impel down, I and team B will set to Marineford and team A will go to impel down" dragon ordered

"Yes sir"

"What is team A and what is team B?" Sanji asked

"Team A will break into impel down to free Ivankov San and strawhat luffy, if team A fails to protect strawhat luffy then team B will protect him. Team B will stay near Marineford, if luffy will be taken to Marineford then team b will fight and bring him back" explained koala

"Okay, so in which team am I going?" asked Sanji

"You are in team A" replied sabo


"so let's set sail"

"Set Sail!"


Moby Dick

"Pops it will take a week to reach" informed Izo

"That girl Nami, she hasn't eaten much since she came, do you think she's angry at us?" asked Thatch

"Don't know, maybe she is upset about her captain" said Izo to which Thatch nodded in agreement

Later first 10 commanders sat in front of whitebeard with nami and shanks den den mushi

"Okay so how do we stop the execution?" Asked Thatch

"Do we even need to lift a finger?" asked nami

"That's right, those marines would piss their pants when they see two yonkos together" snorted ace

"yea ace but we should have a plan right," said Marco

"Why are they even having an execution for strawhat? He is not that of a big shot then why are they making it a big deal?" asked Thatch

"Maybe it's because of me," said ace

"I think there should be a bigger reason for that ace," said shanks from the den den mushi

"yea who would put and execution to a new pirate and has a connection with the marine hero himself," said Haruta

"no Haruta they won't see blood relationship when it comes to this kind of thing," said Marco

"maybe they did," said nami bringing everyone's attention

"What do you mean?" Asked ace

"Luffy's father is a most wanted criminal" stated nami

"What?" Said shanks

"Who is Luffy's father?" Asked Thatch

"I should not tell that" nami silenced herself

"Who is it? Ace?" asked Marco

'Luffy's father is also a criminal? Wait who is that? Gramps did say something like a brat and idiot son but I don't remember and I didn't pay attention that time, shit I should have paid attention!' ace cursed inwardly for not listening to drunken Garp

"I don't remember," ace said

"What? What do you mean you don't remember?" Asked Thatch

"Gramps did say about Luffy's father once but that day I and luffy ran away to play" ace scratched the back of his head laughing awkwardly

"what do you mean? Isn't he your father too?" Asked nami

"Uhm no, luffy and don't share the same parents but he is still my little brother"

"Garp adopted ace," said shanks' den den mushi

"Oh," nami said

"Okay guys we are going off-topic, the topic was how to stop the execution, yoi"

"As I said no need to fight, we are having whitebeard, red-haired shanks and I bet even Luffy's father would come, then strawhat crew, we have so many people, marines will never expect whitebeard and red-haired shanks in the battlefield field and they will surrender for sure," said nami giving a heroic vibe

"Uhm, since you say there is his father so let's just not plan anything,yoi" Marco sweatdropped

'finally no fights! Even if there's are fights I no need to fight' nami thought and cried happily

"What's wrong with her?" Asked Haruta

"Probably she hit her head when she was falling from the sky" replied ace

"gurarara, my kids let's set sail to Marineford!" Ordered whitebeard


"Set sail to Marineford!" Shouted Marco


Hey guys!

Hope you like the chapter.
I have a doubt is sabo's fisherman friend's name hatch or hack? In youtube it says hatch and in Google it says hack, I am confused

And guys tell me what you prefer, 10-15 chapters or 15-20 chapters or 20-25chapters or 25 and above.

Anyways, do tell me what is his name if you know and

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