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This is what shanks was afraid of,

"What should we do captain?" Asked lucky roo

"Ben, let's go to whitebeard's place"

"But what about luffy?! He needs us!" Yasopp asked

"That's why I don't any more trouble," shanks said


Marco hated that shanks came on the ship as if he owned it. But he let shanks be, for pops' sake

"What do you want brat? I said you, do not come on my ship till we reach," whitebeard asked

"If luffy hears this, that's it," nami said in a low voice but people on the deck heard it

"Bwahaha, luffy surely loves me" shanks laughed

"No, he doesn't," ace snorted

"Why are you here?" Marco asked

"As much as I would love to come with you, I cannot" shanks half answered

"What do you mean, brat?" Whitebeard asked

"It's Kaido"

That's it, the worst thing which Marco was afraid of is happening.

Marco knew he was selfish, but it's for a reason. He didn't want his pops' life to be in danger when shanks joined he felt relieved but now he was quite afraid.

Kaido and Big Mom sure wanted whitebeard's head, now Teach. Shanks is strong but not strong enough to take down two yonkos

"Kaido?" Thatch asked panicking

"What Kaido is going to attack us?!" Haruta exclaimed

"Who's Kaido?" Nami asked innocently

"You sure don't know any Yonko, do you?" Ace asked

"I know shanks!" Nami defended herself

"That's because of luffy" ace reasoned

"What do you mean Kaido?" Marco asked

"He is heading to Marineford," shanks said which made everyone shock

"what!" Marco stood making everyone startle

"don't worry about him, I and my crew will take care of him, you guys go to Marineford" shanks assured

"Why?! Don't you want to see luffy?" Nami asked

"I want to see him the most, but I think I will stick to the promise" shanks said

"I will not agree," Marco said suddenly


"I made a research on Marineford and Luffy's execution, I think it will be a war. They are keeping admirals and vice admirals and all Warlords! I know we are very strong, but pops is not in his best condition! As a doctor and his son, I care about his health more than anyone or anything!" Marco shouted


"Please pops I know, I am being selfish but-"

Marco felt a certain pair of sad eyes on him.


"Ace, nami. I - I- ah-" Marco didn't have anything to say

"I know how you understand, I am concerned about pops too. Pops if you don't mind, I want to change the plan, I want to go alone and, nami will be there too, to save luffy" ace announced, this made Marco guilty

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