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Lights danced everywhere, the palace warmly inviting in the inhabitant's of the kingdom, all dressed to their best. Young women chatted excitedly as they made their way inside, admiring the beauty of a palace that had stood and watched so many winters.

It was the first time in so long since the palace had been shown once more to the public, after it had been shut away concluding the death of the current Emperor's father.

Of course, the women as well as most in the nation were curious as to why Min Yoongi was suddenly hosting a sociable event. But they ignored the speculations and chose to have fun, eating glorious food and socialising with others.

Yoongi himself was on the top of the stairs, dressed handsomely in robes of black and gold, shining neckalces and earrings decorating his skin, announcing himself as royalty.

He watched, boredly, as the people mixed amongst themselves, helping themselves to food and drinks, admiring each others' garments.

He felt somewhat strange at the fact that his home was open to the public. It was unnerving, nervewracking almost. Ever since he had become Emperor, he had strictly ordered that he would not be visiting his kingdom or travel to other nations for diplomatic visits. He travelled in secret, never outside of the land that he ruled over, as well as leading major battles.

"I asked my dog, what's two minus two. He said nothing," The laughter of the oldest of the Emperor's friends caused Yoongi to glance to his left.

Kim Seokjin was extremely good-looking, often declaring that he was in fact 'Worldwide Handsome', and it wasn't just him who thought so. Yoongi had seen many of the female attendees in the palace glance at the Kim in secret, whispering of how handsome he was. 

But along with his facial features, the man was a kind and loveable soul. A personality that made anyone feel comfortable with his jokes and remarks. Not only that, but he was an excellent Treasurer and advisor, commanding respect wherever he went. His cooking skills were also brilliant.

"That wasn't even funny," Yoongi deadpanned, returning to his solemn gaze at all the guests.

"Really? I recounted it to a young lady earlier, and she was giggling away," Jin grinned as he took a sip of the wine in his glass. "So, how does it feel?"

"How does what feel?"

"How does it feel to have the palace open again?"

Yoongi paused, trying to think of what he wanted to say.

"Scary," He admitted, earning a frown from the older boy.


"I just haven't seen so many people altogether like this in so long, and it freaks me out a little," Yoongi mumbled, not quite meeting the eyes of Jin, who smiled softly.

"Does it remind you of..." His words trailed off as the Emperor nodded feverently.

"I get how you feel," Jin replied. "Suddenly having this many people back is frightening because one, it's been years, and two, because it brings back the memories and feelings that you've been desperately trying to hide away. But maybe it's a chance to open up? Baby steps,"

Yoongi shrugged. Jin had always been there to give him advice, whether it be to do with the kingdom or simply the monarch's emotions.

"Also, have you seen Jimin or Taehyung?" Jin questioned, earning a shake of a head from the other.

"Why?" Yoongi asked. "I'm sure they'll be here somewhere. Probably flirting,"

"Because those two ruined my new hanbok the other day!" Jin wailed. "It was brand new and they spilt something foul on it, and haven't bought me another one. That's why I'm dressed in this!"

He gestured to the blue hanbok that was draped over his figure, a satin, royal blue with silver trimmings. Something only someone of Jin's status could ever afford.

"Wait, I see them!" Jin huffed as he ran off, leaving an amused Yoongi in his wake.

As the Emperor continued to watch, he was reminded of the whole reason for this ball. He needed to find a wife, and fast.


"I'm just going to head to the bathroom," Jangmi whispered to Nari, who nodded happily, two glasses of fruit wine in her hand.

The Cha girl had rosy cheeks and her hair was slightly ruffled from the dancing. "I'll wait for you!"

Nodding, Jangmi made her way past the hustle and bustle of the main room where all the young women were having the time of their lives.

She slipped into a quieter coridoor, trying to find her way to the restroom, feeling slightly foolish as she had no sense of direction. 

Her eyes were focused on the intricate carvings etched into the palace walls, and she swallowed as she felt her figure bump into another.

"I'm so sorry," She bowed, hoping that it was just another guest.

"Watch where you're going!" The voice snarled, and as Jangmi raised her eyes, her pupils widened as she realised whom she had hit.

The Emperor.

She had heard so many vile and cruel stories of the man who ruled the nation, and at that moment, she felt as though her whole life was going to end. 

He looked enraged.

"Who walks without looking at where they're going?"

"I apologise Your Majesty," The female said softly. "I was looking for the restroom and didn't know where I was headed,"

Yoongi stared at the woman in front of him. She was very pretty, lovely black hair that settled was carefully tied back into a bun, she had gentle eyes and lips the colour of blossoms. Her hanbok wasn't the latest style, but it suited her so well.

"Come with me," He ordered, and for a second, Jangmi thought that he was going to show her the way to the bathroom.

But as he led her further through the hallway, Jangmi knew that he was taking her someplace else.

They finally came to a stop inside a room. To be more specific, the throneroom. The throne was in the center and the Emperor mumbled something to the servant, who quickly ran off.

Yoongi took his seat on the throne, leaving Jangmi to awkwardly to stand in the middle of the room, shrinking slightly at the sight of the swords that were displayed proudly.

"What d'you want, Yoongi? Me and Tae are having fun!" A man with blond hair and doll-like lips whined as him and the man besides him with dark, curly hair leaned against the walls.

"Yeah, Yoongi, what's this meeting for?" Jung Hoseok frowned as he saw Jangmi but said nothing of it. "The guests are waiting,"

"Whatever it is, it better be quick," Kim Namjoon muttered. "A lady is waiting for me,"

"Namjoon's found a girl?" Jungkook chuckled. "That's interesting,"

"All of you said that the main reason for this ball is so that I can find a wife to give me an heir, right?" Yoongi extended a hand, pointing at Jangmi in the middle of all the men. "I want her,"

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