thirty one

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The Emperor was going insane.

Three nights had passed without word from troops of the Empresses' news. Instead, they had all come marching back to the palace, shaking their heads solemnly, grieving for the woman whom they presumed to be dead.

But the boys would not believe such a thing.

Jungkook rolled open a map on the table, and slowly, they began to set up the possibilities of where Jangmi could be. Figurines of soldiers and horses now decorated markings of where the borders were, where major cities had newly sprung up, where the enemy lay.

"They had the mark of The Blood Forest," Jin muttered, a grave countenance upon his face. "And from reports and sightings and mere logic, they are located around the edge of the border," 

"However," Namjoon continued, pointing his finger at where the enemy supposedly was. "It is an area fully guarded by their men. They say that once you go in, you never come out,"

"Ridiculous," Jimin snorted. "We're Bangtan sonyeondan, we always win,"

"How many troops?" Taehyung's deep voice questioned.

"Their exact number of members is unknown, but approximately one hundred and fifty," Hoseok placed little red figurines upon the map, marking them as the target.

All the while the Emperor had remained silent, his mind whirring, unfocused, as he tried desperately to remain in control of his emotions. He couldn't lose someone again, otherwise, he would lose himself once more.

"Yoongi," The youngest of the men gently shook the monarch's shoulders, bringing him back into the real world. "We follow your orders. What do you propose we do?"

The Emperor stared at the map, analysing it with precision. Each move had to be calculated, one wrong step and his wife would be taken away from him.

"An ambush," Yoongi ordered, rising to his full height, and once more, a shadow came over his onyx pupils, reflecting a monster ready to strike. "We attack at the sleeping hour,"

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