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The group had filled themselves up with food from the marketplace at lunch, and they had continued to provide Jangmi with their personal tour around the village until the evening sky reminded them to return home. They had shown her extraordinary places, places where that they loved and treasured every time that they were there.

Dinner had been lively, Jin and Jimin both telling tales of their childhoods spent in the village, Hoseok and Namjoon boasting the many magnificent races that they had against each other, and Taehyung and Jungkook fed the girl stories of the woods nearby, and the supposed treasures that were hidden there.

All the while, Yoongi listened, scoffing occassionally at some of the more ludicrous tales (and by that, he meant Jin's story of how he single-handedly defeated 20 wagons of bandits). "With assistance from me," The Emperor grumbled, but he listened all the same.

When the night sky prompted further darkness, the group decided to finally retire for the night. With each boys' call of a good night, Jangmi wished them in return, and the doors quietly closed.

Her mind thought back to when the youngest had told her to ask the Emperor, that maybe if she did, perhaps he would be willing to talk to her, get to know her.

So with the thought in mind, the Choi girl found herself padding lightly to the monarch's door, a room which was constantly shrouded in darkness. Despite the terror that was rising within herself, she sought as much bravery as she possibly could, and rapped her knuckles on the door.

It took a few seconds until the wooden block moved by a fraction, allowing a sliver of light through. 

Jangmi took a step back as the face of the Emperor came into view, his scar ever warning as his onyx pupils settled upon his wife.

"What do you want?" His tone was sharp, cold, giving her the impression that he really did not want to be near her.

"I just wanted to ask something," Her lips mumbled, her eyes softly settling on the ground. "But if I'm bothering you, I'll go bac- "


The door widened a little, giving the girl permission to go into the chambers that belonged to him. Her soft lips parted, somewhat shocked by his actions, but she did not question it, instead, following the leader into the room.

Patting the space beside him, the Emperor watched as his wife gently sat next to him, her hands neatly on her lap. She was in her nightgown, a white, cotton dress that reached a little more below her knees.

"What is it?" 

"We went to the stables today, and we saw your horse, Beongae," Jangmi looked up, only to find Yoongi's gaze upon her. She felt nervous. "Is it true that he's the legendary horse of the palace? The one that children all across the kingdom are told about as little ones?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. This was what she had wanted to know? He frowned at the relief that fluttered through his veins, she didn't want to leave. 

"It's true," He scoffed at her awestruck expression. "Beongae was found in a group of some of the best breeds of horses that exist. All of them can ride as fast as the wind, jump further than any other, and they are extremely loyal to their owners,"

Jangmi was breathless. The stories that she had grown up hearing as a child were true. 

The girl stood, bowing towards her husband. "I thank you for answering my questions. Have a good night, Emperor,"

And as she shut the door, the Emperor found himself soft, the smallest of smiles upon his lips. 

"Goodnight, Jangmi,"

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