thirty three

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The hooves of the royal horses padded silently across the damp ground, their riders solemn, dark expressions etched upon their faces.

The night was cold, quiet. Only the wind whistled through the atmosphere as they approached the lair of where the captors of Choi Jangmi rested.

"How do you want us to attack?" The oldest of the group turned towards the Emperor, whose obsidian eyes reflected that of the desire to murder.

"On my word," The monarch ordered, his stare locked upon the doorway guarded by a few men, all with weapons in their hands.

"Three, two, one,"


"There she is! The star of the show. Empress Choi Jangmi!" 

Jangmi did not know who that man was. She certainly felt repulsed by the scar that ran across his face, and disgusted by the way he looked at her, his eyes feasting upon her figure. But she knew that he was somewhat important in this society full of terrible people.

"Gangaji, bring her over here,"

A/N - 'Gangaji' means 'puppy'. In the previous chapter, Rayaan told Jangmi his true name as the men he works for do not call him 'Rayaan', but refer to him as a dog. Therefore, his nickname is 'puppy'. It also signifies his lowly status amongst the men he works for.

Rayaan tipped his head, his fingers gently wrapping around the Empress' wrist and pulled her over towards to be introduced.

"She's ravishing, isn't she?" The man hummed, standing up. He was around a head taller than her, and he circled the woman, taking in her frail appearence. Despite the wounds infilicted upon her form, she still looked as beautiful.

"No wonder Yoongi chose you to be his companion. But it's a pity that he won't be here to save you,"

His finger prodded her cheeks, her neck, her stomach, and Rayaan found himself sick to the core.

"Yeong-cheol," He said, quietly. "Don't,"

It appeared that Yeong-cheol did not like the sudden interference of his little puppy, as he drew out his dagger, holding it to Rayaan's neck. The pressure on the blade was not light at all.

"You are nothing more than my little gangaji," He hissed. "Your opinion remains irrelevant,"

But before any more could be said, the sound of the doorway flying open drew the attention of those standing within the chambers.

Seven men, with hundreds of troops behind them stood shining, their blades decorated with the stain of crimson blood. 

The man in the middle swept his eyes over them all before finally landing upon that of his wife's.

"Yoongi!" She whispered, but as she made the move towards him, she felt the scruff of her collar being lifted as she was pulled back, a blade pressed against her own neck.

"Hands off my wife," The Emperor snarled.

"Too late for that, Your Majesty," Yeong-cheol smirked. "You'll have to come past me,"

Let the battle begin.

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