Chapter 3🗡

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They walked through the village, team hebi trailing behind Sakura and Sarada. Sasuke felt Sakura sneaking wary glances at him but he chose to ignore her and rather, focused on his surroundings.

He was shocked by the developments the village had made. They walked past the now destroyed and built upon Uchiha complex and Sasuke's anger spiked.

"Sasuke-kun gave permission...not you obviously...but my husband."

Sasuke glanced at her from the corner of his eyes not able to fully look at her especially now. Hearing her call his future self her husband made his face flush, he just gave a small 'hn' rather than respond.

Karin who was behind them was fuming as she watched their interaction. 'Husband', I'm the one who's been supporting him through everything and yet he's never given me that reaction.' She raged in her mind.

Suigetsu saw the scowl on her face and amused he leaned down by her ear to whisper "Did you think Sasuke would marry you? The only things he cares about are killing Itachi and restoring his clan," he said chuckling.

He leaned away from her to relish how her face turned red with anger, but as quickly as it came her anger dissipated, and a wicked smirk formed on her face.

'Those are the only things he cares about, he doesn't love her. He's simply using her to revive his clan.' She thought matter-of-factly. 'I can be the one to do that, he doesn't need her.' She tried to convince herself.

"We're here," Sakura announced interrupting Karin's thoughts. Before her, was a large two-story house with the Uchiha symbol above the door. She stood their mouth agape as she took it in.

Sakura unlocked the door and allowed them in. They stepped through the threshold into a foyer and followed Sakura in taking off their shoes and walking into a large living room. 

"Ok, you guys can have a seat while I go change into something more comfortable." They obeyed and sat on the sofas. Sakura took to the stairs and went to her bedroom to change.

When she left her guests got up and started looking around. Sasuke picked up a picture of the older Sakura, Sarada and a man with black hair he's presuming is himself. Karin walked up behind him and peeked over his shoulder.

"Sasuke kun you're handsome even in the future," she said admiring his older counterpart.

Sara's chuckled at Karin's behavior towards her father.

"What's so funny."

"Oh nothing at all"

Before Karin could say more Sakura walked into the room. Her previous outfit was switched out for a green off-the-shoulder sweater and a pair of soft pants.

"Now then, to inform Naruto of the situation." 

Naruto, why inform him, Sasuke's nose turned up at the thought of his former loudmouth teammate.

As if he had heard, a loud shout was heard from the Uchiha residence's front door. "TEME!"

"Speak of the devil," Sakura said with a chuckle.

Sakura went and opened the front door, Naruto came barreling in.

Why didn't you report to me when-" the words died on his tongue when he saw the members of team hebi standing there, all much younger.


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