Chapter 9🦊

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Naruto finally opened his eyes and without words started walking. The others followed behind him simply trusting him to lead them where they were going. They walked slowly at first before leaping into the foliage and sprinting.

After a few miles of running, they came to a stop. They stayed within the covers of the leaves and inspected the area. There was a cave entrance almost perfectly hidden in the forest, so unless you were looking for it or had a Naruto as they did you probably would have missed it entirely.

Outside the cave stood two ninjas, guards they presumed. They shared a look before falling back slightly to strategize. Suddenly Sasuke spoke up, "Would it be wise to bring Sakura with us," he spoke to Naruto who's brow was raised at Sasuke's words. "Even though it looks like she's gotten stronger, she's still Sakura," he stated as if she wasn't there with a slightly condescending tone.

"Sakura is right here, and she is more than capable of taking care of herself," she said using the same tone he had.

"I'm just saying-" he tried to reason

"Well don't," Sakura cut him off curtly with a roll of her eyes.

Not liking her attitude he opened his to retort but was cut off yet again but by Naruto this time, "Sakura will be fine, she's not the same person she's not 12 years old anymore. She can take care of herself just fine," Naruto said proudly, a little smugness leaking into his voice confusing Sasuke.

"Anyways, the first thing to do is get rid of the guards and cameras. There's a very slim chance they're expecting us so we have the element of surprise." Naruto devised. "We'll question the guards for any information that'll help so we're not going in completely blind. Sasuke, be sure to stay by Sakura, we can't afford you to disappear."

Sakura and Sasuke agreed, the latter rather reluctantly. Even with her change in demeanor, Sasuke couldn't help but see Sakura as the same fragile girl who would hide behind him and Naruto when they were younger. Naruto had assured him but there was no evidence to back it up, and the last thing he wanted was to risk Saradas's safety because Sakura slowed them down.

He was brought of his trance when he felt Sakura's shoulder brush his. His companions were peering through the foliage to observe the guards, he joined them. "With my speed, I could probably knock them out."

"Sakura," Naruto spoke bluntly cutting him off.

"Hmm," she acknowledged with a nod. Her companions watched as she pulled two senbon from a sachel she had across her body. With pinpoint accuracy, she fired them at the guards. The senbon embedded themselves into the ninja's neck and their bodies fell to the ground with a light thud.

Naruto moved swiftly to retrieve the now unconscious ninja and pull them into the forest and away from their post without being seen by the cameras. Once they were secured to a tree Sakura pulled out a small bottle of what appeared to be smelling salt and placed it by their nose, they were up instantly. The guards looked up at them delirious.

Once they came to their senses, Sakura wasted no time asking questions rapid fire. "We're not telling you shit," the male of the two sneered, the woman simply stayed fixed. A look flashed in Sakura's eyes before she reached into her satchel once again and pulled out another small bottle.

"This," she pointed to the bottle "this is a poison of my creation, once ingested you it will cause you to lose all five senses, slowly but surely, all while experiencing the excruciating pain of a million needles piercing your body. So unless you want to be my first test subjects, you will answer my questions." She finished with a small smile on her face. Naruto and Sasuke even got a little scared while the guards were sweating buckets.

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