Chapter 8🍅

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They'd been traveling for half an hour but halted when they reached a demolished clearing.

"This is it, this is where the ambush happened." the monkey declared.

"Did you see in which direction they went?" Naruto asked

With a nod, the monkey pointed west. "I'll try to sense them," Naruto closed his eyes and instantly a bright golden glow covered his body.

Sasuke's eyes widened at the sight, in shock at the amount of chakra rolling of Naruto because how could a dead last like him be so powerful. He had figured Naruto would advance -he's hokage- but not this strong. He wondered if his future self was this strong, the thought brought him a smug feeling.


Naruto had been trying to track them for a few minutes now and Sasuke was beginning to grow impatient with worry. A hand on his shoulder brought his attention to Sakura who was looking at him with a smile and he wondered how she could be so calm given the situation.

"I got it," Naruto exclaimed before running off and Sasuke and Sakura wasted no time in chasing after him.


Once again, Sarada's eyes opened groggily but rather than a cell she found herself strapped to a table. Only her head was not strapped down so she looked around to find herself alone, Boruto and the rest of her team weren't there.

The room was white and entirely barren except the table she was strapped to in the center of the room and a table beside her that held a tray of medical tools.

She struggled against her restraints in vain as her usual super strength was gone, with a huff her head fell onto the table causing pain to shoot into her head and she groaned only making it worst. This could not get any worse.

Just as the thought entered her mind the sound of a door opening echoed through the empty room and footsteps got closer and closer to her. I spoke too soon. Tilting her head up she came face to face with a brown-eyed brunette male that appeared about her parent's age.

"Good, you're awake." his voice was high-pitched and made her cringe.

"Why am I here? If you want nothing from me," she asked her questions yet again hoping this man would be more cooperative than the woman.

"You, my dear, are bait for your father and those expensive eyes of his," he answered with a twisted grin on his face. When she heard their reason for kidnapping her she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Of course, that was it.

People were frequently after her father's eyes, they fetched a hefty price in the black market, but we're these people so stupid that they thought they could apprehend the second most powerful shinobi in the world so easily.  She almost sighed.

Though most would be completely freaked out if placed in her position, she was sure her parents were coming to get her so was rather leisurely.

"But first I'll start with yours," the man stated turning towards her with a scalpel in hand and a crazed look in his eyes.

Yet again it seemed she'd spoken too soon.


-Please correct me if I made any mistakes.

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