Chapter 5❤

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Sakura placed the last dish of food on the table and turned to Sasuke who had been at the table watching her cook.

"Ok, some ground rules, don't mention anything of your current....exploits to Sarada. Capeesh." She only received a 'hn' in reply.

"Oh and please don't be rude, I'd hate to have to hurt you." She said with a sweet smile, he only stared.

Satisfied with his response, she went to the stairs and yelled for Sarada. Seconds later her footsteps echoed as she ran down the stairs, past her mother, and to her seat at the table.

Chuckling at her daughter's behavior Sakura walked to her seat. "Itadakimasu," and then they dug in, minus Sasuke who stared at the food skeptically because as far as he knew Sakura couldn't cook.

Sara's noticed this and leaned towards him to whisper "don't worry it's really good, her cooking improved a lot."

While still skeptical he decided to trust his future daughter and dig in. They ate in silence and through his peripheral vision, Sasuke saw Sarada slowly place her tomatoes on his plate. He wasn't gonna complain but he was slightly offended that Sarada didn't like his favorite food.

After dinner, Sarada and Sakura did the dishes while Sasuke wandered the house. He took in all the pictures on the walls and cabinets, stopping to look at a picture of a baby Sarada.

"Cute huh," A voice said behind him, turning swiftly he came face to fave with Sakura who's face was very close to his. His cheeks warmed at the proximity and he back away quickly hiding his face with his hair.

Laughing slightly at his reaction, -she was getting a kick out of teasing him- she turned on her heels and began walking "Come. I'll take you to the guest room," she said over her shoulder.

He frowned at the way she ordered him around but followed without a word. The room was plain with only a queen-sized bed, a nightstand, Chester-drawer, and a tv on the wall.

"Ok so, that door leads to the bathroom" she points to a door on the far side of the room "and my room is one door down if you need anything. I'll send Sarada with a change of clothes for you, so go take a shower," was all she said before leaving.

He entered the bathroom and locked it before he started to undress. He stepped under the shower at maximum pressure and closed his eyes finally allowing everything to sink in.

He marries Sakura and they have a daughter. That didn't shock him as he thought it would because he honestly couldn't picture himself with anyone else. Those thoughts were replaced with one he deemed more important, there's a chance he didn't kill Itachi, that he didn't avenge his clan, that he didn't kill the monster who ruined his life and it was even more frustrating that these people who knew wouldn't tell him anything.

He was brought out his thoughts by a knock at the door "mama told me to bring you these clothes, I'll just leave them on the bed," Sarada shouted from the other side of the door.

Sighing, he quickly finished his shower and exited the bathroom, towel around his waist. He pulled on the clothes placed on the bed, that fit him perfectly before climbing into the bed.

Deciding fed deal with what happened tomorrow, he turned off his light and drifted into a dreamless slumber.


- Sorry, it's short

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