Reactions Of "Taking Care Of Some Noble Douchebag"

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(Y/n):Alright,The Next One Is....."Taking Care Of Some Noble Douchebag"?What?

Surprisingly,Your Peerage(Except Murayama and Katase For Obvious Reasons) from The Story Arrived And wondered What Happen But You Explain and Show them The Other chapters that you all viewed.

You and Your Peerage Are Here to Watch The Rating Game Of Rias And Riser As they Were Requested By The 4 Devil Kings but In all honesty,You just wanted To Go Home After School And Not This!....At least,You got Kuro With You.

Kuroka decided To Tease you as Seeing His Other self was Happy that She got you along with him.

Kuroka(Seductive):Oh?Master likes it,When I'm With Him?~Well Than,Maybe I Should be With him Often~

You stay Neutral As You look at The Nekomata with an Annoyed face and Say this...

(Y/n):My other Self didn't Mean like That,Kuroka.

Kuroka(pouting):Your No Fun.

At the start Of The rating Game,It Kinda looked like they would win but Of Course,The Phenex Family Technically Pulled A Cheating move with those Damn Phenex Tears that apparently heal anyone and Restore their magic and Stamina back to maximum amount.

(an:Seriously Though,How is that even Fair!?)

And to make it worse,Issei had the nerve to do Something To those poor girls and it was THIS!!

(An:Couldn't Get A Clip of issei using it at the rating game but that's still WRONG!)

Yang(Rook Piece):That Sick Bastard!

Ruby(Pawn Piece):Why Would He....?

Yang Luckily Covered Ruby's Eyes and your Rooks along with Murayama and Katase Wanted to be That little perv up for doing that but you restrained them even if you yourself wanted to rip that Bastard apart limb by Limb!

Yang:(Y/n),Even If This Didn't Happen Yet,You Are My....

Peerage of Other You:OUR!

Yang:Sorry,Our Master And If You Want,We Can Kill Issei!


Yang:Easy!Ya Just gotta Let It Rip!Get It?

Everyone Groaned from The Horrible Pun As Ruby Asked Her Sister To Why She Did that.

Yang:What?It was Funny!

Alucard(Pawn Piece):It was Stupid.

Of Course,The Ending Of The Rating  Game Had Issei Beat the Shit Out of issei and Rias Resigned But WHY!?It's Just issei,No one actually gives a fuck about him But Rias just had to Help him,Thus Making riser(Dickhead) the Winner And NOW,You could actually leave but once you left,You were unaware Of Something Happening in the World.

Erza(Queen Piece):Which Was.....?

~At the Forced Engagement Party~

Issei had just Burst through the doors Demanding Riser Give rias back And Sirzechs Claimed to have invited him because the fight wasn't good and riser said that all that matters is the end result but Sirzechs had an idea of Issei and riser In a One-On-One Battle to determine if rias will marry riser or Not but Riser Spoke up...

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