Delivering gifts from Olympus

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Percy POV:(3 Years Later)

I was thinking about the past three years whilst walking towards my father's office because he summoned me. It took me a few months but the hunters gradually accepted me and my visits every now and then, some even grew to adopt me as their brother. The most surprising part was even the older huntresses who harbored a grudge against my gender as a whole Zoë and Atalanta wanted to become my sister and I accepted, I grew fond of the visits to the hunt and it helped my efficiency with weapons, others found out about me but we managed to keep it a secret from the new good sea scum Poseidon and I even managed to get on Ares good side but he still bitter that mother likes me better than him though I suppose that's his own fault for always trying to start a war. Artemis and Athena gradually started to call me brother and Athenaeven blessed me. She said, "You're one of the smartest half-bloods I have ever encountered, besides my children of course."

I knocked on fathers office door and the winds pushed it open. Dramatic. I stepped inside to see Athena, Hermes, and father all looking at an Iris Message of three demigods, looking at them it was clear that one was a daughter of Zeus, another a son of Hermes, and the final one was a child around my age most likely a daughter of Athena. I didn't look her age but that was because of my blessings so I grew quicker than most so I was around 5ft and already started to develop muscle. I looked at my father waiting for him to explain why he summoned me to his office. Hermes came up to me reluctantly since they were all glued to the image of their children."Percy, I know you're only young but your well trained, one of the best fighters I've seen in years, and with the amount of power you hold you will become great heroin in the future" He paused but I motioned him to continue "We need you to do a favor for us, we each have children currently on the run from monsters with nowhere to go and we want you to go deliver supplies to them and give them directions to camp maybe even travel with them for the rest of the day if you can." he explained

I understood what he was asking me and that it was a risk but I was eager to prove myself to my family as well as helping my half-sister so I replied: "Of course I will help you Hermes you're my brother, Athena is my sister and I'd do anything for you father as you saved my life and for that, I will never be able to thank you." 

They all looked at me relived and pride shining through my eyes, my father stepped in front of Hermes and went on his knee and said "You don't owe me anything my son, I may not have sired you but you will always be my son and I will never force you to do anything. You make me proud every day and you are the most powerful demigod I have seen in many years may you have luck on your travels" 

I had a stupid grin on my face when Athena stepped forward and told me "I'm not the best with emotions my brother but I am forever thankful you will go and help my child, please stay safe. I'm going to flash you near where they are staying, meet them outside of the shop they are walking out of and say you were sent by their parents and to follow you."

She put her hand on my shoulder and flashed me outside of a shop bag in hand waiting for the three demigods to leave the shop. I was waiting a while but saw a blonde boy who looked around 12 leave the shop with a smug grin and approached him, there were two girls behind him one had black hair and electric blue eyes and the other had blonde princess curls and

grey eyes that seemed to look into my soul much like her mothers. "Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan, and Annabeth Chase I was sent by your parents please follow me." 

They all looked shocked but the older of the two looked skeptical and the girl Thalia questioned me "What do you mean, are you some kind of monster or something" she asked

I chuckled and said, "No dear sister I come bearing gifts and information please follow me I'll explain the rest on the way." 

I handed it to her and she read the note and I saw a lone tear leak from her eyes. Her curiosity got the best of her and put it on and to the surprise of the others, she just vanished. "Annie take the hat off your worrying me" Luke yelled

Percy Jackson Son of Hera and Zeus [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now