The Chariot of Damnation

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Percy/Nerva POV:

The passenger window of the 'Chariot of Damnation' rolled down, and an old woman stuck her head out. She had a mop of grizzled hair covering her eyes, and she spoke in a weird mumbling way like she'd just had a shot of Novocain. "Passage? Passage?" 

"Three to Camp Half-Blood," I said. 

I opened the cab's back door and waited for James to get in, he was staring at me like some madman. "Ach!" The old woman screeched. "We don't take his kind!"

She pointed a bony finger at Tyson. "Extra pay," I promised. "Three more drachmas on arrival."

"Done!" The woman screamed.

James eventually got in the cab, albeit rather reluctantly. Tyson squeezed in the middle and I got in the last. The interior was smokey grey, but it felt solid enough. The seat was cracked and lumpy - I'll admit I prefer my motorcycle. There was no Plexiglas screen separating us from the old ladies driving. The three ladies were all crammed in the front seat, each with stringy hair covering their eyes, bony hands, and a charcoal-colored dress.

The one driving said, "Long Island! Out-of-metro fare bonus! Ha!"

She floored the accelerator, and my head slammed against the backrest. A pre-recorded voice came on over the speaker. Hi, this is Ganymede, cup-barer to Zeus, and when I'm out buying wine for the Lord of the Skies, I always buckle up! 

I looked down and found a large black chain instead of a seatbelt. I decided I would rather crash through the windscreen, at least I can fly if I get too desperate. The cab sped around the corner of West Broadway, and the grey lady in the middle screeched, "Look out! Go left!"

"Well, if you'd give me the eye Tempest I could see that!" the driver complained.

 I knew about the eye of course from the tale of Perseus, it was always been one of my favorites, even more so after my birth mother died as she read the story of Perseus to me a lot when I was little, but James on the other hand, you could see he was curious about what the eye was, fortunately, he didn't do anything about it.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when the driver swerved to avoid an oncoming delivery truck, ran over the curb with a jaw-rattling thump, and flew into the next block. "Wasp!" The third lady said to the driver. "Give me the boys coin! I want to bite it."

"You bit it last time, Anger!" said the driver, whose name must've been Wasp. "It's my turn."

"Is not!" yelled the one called Anger.

The middle one, Tempest, screamed "Red light!" 

"Break!" yelled Anger.

Instead, Wasp floored the accelerator and rode up on the curb, screeching around another corner, and knocking over a newspaper box. I would have been sick already if I wasn't used to Apollo deciding to go 'super speed' while taking me for a ride on his sun chariot. 

"Excuse me," James said "But. . . can you see?" 

I groaned internally, has he seriously not heard of the grey sisters. "No!" screamed Wasp from behind the wheel.

"No!" screamed Tempest from the middle.

"Of course!" screamed Anger by the shotgun window.

James looked at me. "They're blind?" 

"Not completely," I said. "They share an eye." 

"One eye?" 



"No. One eye total."

Next to James, Tyson groaned and grabbed the seat. "Not feeling so good."

Percy Jackson Son of Hera and Zeus [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now