I make a deal with Medusa

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Percy POV

I just finished packing my bag for the quest, I packed 20 drachmae, my emergency stash of mortal money, ambrosia, nectar, snacks, spare clothes, a sleeping bag, and a tent. If you're wondering how I fit this all in one bag well that's because Athena gave me at Christmas she said something about always needing an indestructible, bigger on the inside backpack. Anyways now that I finished packing I was just going to sharpen my throwing knives just as an IM appeared in front of me. Hades was on his throne in all his might, well except his Helm might stare at me dramatically so I did the smart thing and said: "Are you trying to my father's place as the most dramatic god?" 

His lips twitched upwards before he said "Nephew, I sent Alecto and her sisters to scare the sea spawn when you start your quest, don't ask how I know you're going on the quest. Everything gets to the underworld eventually, well except immortals they avoid this place like a plague but still." 

I chuckled "Alright Uncle, Dad's also sending me as a messenger for some gift or something. No idea why he didn't use Hermes, oh and I was thinking we could do some kind of show to scare the shit out of Waters when we come down there so you work on that!"

He chuckled and wiped the mist of the IM away leaving me to get dressed, since we were going on a quest I didn't have to wear those hideous camp t-shirts so I decided I was going to wear a plain white tee, grey sweatpants, and an OlympusSportsTM hoodie. 

Once I was dressed I headed out of my cabin towards Thalia's tree to meet with the others. I saw Grover and Luke chatting with Chiron, once I arrived at the tree Chiron saw me and said "Percy this is Argus he is going to drive you to the city and err... keep an eye on things"

He then proceeded to tell us the fate of the world is in our hands blah blah blah very inspiring, once he finished with his not so uplifting pep talk he handed Luke a bag of suppliesAnnabeth came rushing towards us almost slamming face-first into Lukes's chest. "Hey, I'm glad I caught you" she panted out

She was as red as a tomato but Luke just chuckled and said: "No worries Annie, you're my sister you know I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye."

She frowned but then hugged him telling us to kill some monsters for her but most importantly stay alive. Once the whole deal with Annabeth was over James came and started asking us why we were there since he could obviously do the quest on his own and didn't need losers like us to help him. I punched him in the stomach making him shut and then we boarded the bus and Argus drove us to the city whilst we chatted amongst ourselves (and James occasionally boasting about something he didn't do and sating he's the greatest demigod to ever live), I found out Lukes's dad gave him another gift and even sends his kids letters on his birthday which is cool. Once we got to Queens traffic started to slow us down and by the time we got to Manhatten, it was already sunset. Argus dropped us off at the Greyhound Station on Upper Eastside and then James started boasting about he killed the minotaur, even though he just ran away like a coward. I saw some posters on the wall asking about a missing boy and woman, It was James and they were offering a $50,000 reward for any information about him, that going to be annoying! When James saw this he just smirked at us and said "Ha losers, my grandad is super-rich and you're all poor losers who are going to live at camp until Chironkicks you out."

I rolled my eyes since I literally live on Olympus and I don't know about the other two but I'm sure they will be able to get by I mean Luke must be in college for a reason, as for Grover he's going to get that license thing so he can search for the Lord of the Wild or whatever. I just punched him again and told him to shut up, Argus gave everyone their bags and made sure we got our tickets before he drove off. We got bored waiting for the bus in the rain so we decided to play hacky sack while James told us some imaginary story about him being the best or something. You know if he wasn't so arrogant he could put his imagination to good use and write a book or something. The game of hockey sack ended when I tossed it to Grover who leaped for it and ate it one bit, he blushed tried saying sorry but Luke just stopped him and said: "Dude, that was awesome!"

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