Journey through hell

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Percy POV:

Back when Athena taught me all about the Underworld she would usually skip trying to explain what it looked like and now I see why I wasn't expecting pearl gates or anything but the entrance looked like a cross between a super unorganized airport security and the Jersey Turnpike.

There were three separate entrances under one huge black that said: YOU ARE NOW ENTERING EREBUS. Each entrance had a pass-through metal detector mounted with security cameras. Beyond this were toll booths manned by black-robed ghouls like Charon.

We could hear Cerberus howling in the background, I couldn't see where the giant dog was but Nico and Bianca seemed to be a human GPS for the underworld.

The dead queued up in three lines, two marked: ATTENDANT ON DUTY, and one marked: EZ DEATH. The EZ death line was moving right along. The other two were crawling. "This place is so cool!" Nico squealed.

"Yeah, this place feels so warm. . . like home." Bianca said

"You're delusional!" Yelled James

Shadows gathered around James rapidly making him yell in fright when I said "Shut up. Neeks, Bia lead the way."

Bianca blushed and nodded but Nico was already running through hell. . . literally.

Percy POV:

On the way to meet Hades, we ran into Cerberus who growled before turning to look at Nico who squealed and ran to play with the 'puppy'.

The fields of Asphodel were boring and we avoided the pit at all costs, The Fields Of Punishment was gruesome and Bianca forced Nico to put a blindfold on, it was kinda creepy how everything kept bowing to us, well not us just the siblings of death, hey that's actually a good nickname I'll be using that now!

We kept on our tour through hell and eventually saw the judgment panels and when we saw the Field of Punishments Bianca started cursing in three different languages before forcing Nico to wear a blindfold whilst dragging us through the place like no tomorrow. 

We eventually arrived at what I assume is Hades palace, fortress? The furies circled the parapets, high in the gloom, the outer walls of the fortress glittered black, and the two-story-tall bronze gates stood wide open. Up close, I saw that the engravings on the gates were scenes of death, Nico kept trying to get a good look at them but Bianca was cursing the gods and trying to force the blindfold back on his face.

Inside the courtyard was the strangest garden I'd ever seen, no doubt it was Persephone's. There were multicoloured mushrooms, poisonous shrubs, and weird luminous plants that grew without sunlight. Precious jewels made up for the lack of flowers, piles of rubies as big as my fist, clumps of raw diamonds. Standing here and there like frozen party guests were Medusa's garden statues, petrified children, satyrs, and centaurs, all smiling grotesquely. 

In the center of the garden was an orchard of pomegranate trees, their orange blooms neon bright in the dark. James went up to get on and screamed "FOOD!"

I had to drag him away from said trees before he ended up being trapped in Hades for eternity, and I doubt he will have a good time with that attitude of hid let alone the fact he's one of the many causes of a broken oath.


Nico and Bianca looked at him like he was stupid and I was about to reply to him before Nico said "Your stupid! Did you forget about the story of Persephone!" 

James rolled his eyes "Girls are stupid why would I care about someone called Persephone?" James questioned 

Needless to say, Bianca almost slit his throat but he just ended up with a gash on his shoulder.  Eventually, we walked up the steps of the palace, between black columns, through black marble portico, and into the house of Hades. The entry hall had a polished bronze floor, which seemed to boil in the reflected torchlight. There was no ceiling, just the cavern roof, far above. 

Every side doorway was guarded by a skeleton in military gear. Some wore Greek armor, some British redcoat uniforms, some camouflage with tattered American flags on their shoulders. They carried spears or musked or M-16s. Unsurprisingly, none of them bothered us they either bowed or nodded in respect before carrying on with whatever they were doing beforehand. 

James seemed to think it was because of him, how he got that into his head I'll know. Two U.S Marine skeletons guarded the doors. They grinned down at us, rocket-propelled grenade launchers held across their chests. "HA!" James said, "ALL OF THESE GUARDS JUST FOR LITTLE-OLD ME!" 

Bianca, Nico, and I all rolled our eyes in unison, Nico held onto the Helm of Darkness a little tighter, "Well guys" I said, "I suppose we should knock." 

A hot wind blew down the corridor, and the doors swung open. The guards bowed and stepped aside. "Cool!" Nico whisper-yelled 

Nico and Bianca seemed to get look lighter as we stepped inside and if all their worries and doubts were taken away by the warm breeze. The room inside looked just like in my dream, except this time the throne of Hades was occupied. 

Hades, unlike last time we met, was about three meters tall, for one thing, and dressed in black silk robes and a crown of braided gold. His skin was albino white, his hair shoulder-length, and jet black. He wasn't bulked up like Ares, but he radiated an extreme amount of power.

"Here goes nothing," I mumbled

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