Reunions, Apologies, and that Greek stuck in my head

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Percy/Nerva POV:                                                                                                                                                                Near the Empire State Building:

I was thinking about everything that's happened at a camp recently when I felt someone talking in my head Let me out, you've been keeping me locked up in here for ages and I would be much better at calming mother and father down. Ah, it was my good old friend Nerva. I just continued to walk towards the Empire State Building, I could see it now we were about a minute away. You can't keep me locked up in here or I'll transform randomly because you kept me locked up so long!

Ugh, annoying Nerva, who also me. FIne, I guess I can go romaïkós for a bit. I pulled the Roman part of my brain forward, it's really weird to explain how you change forms so to put it simply I grabbed the Nerva part of my subconscious and dragged it in front of the Percy part, weird I know. 

I started transforming, in public mind you, I have no idea how that works with the mist, and if any clear-sighted mortals are nearby, well, sucks to be you. My hair changed to the statue legionary haircut and my eyes changed so they were brown glinted with sky-blue specks as well as a hint of sea-green around the edges. My facial expression grew more stoic, I wore a black leather jacket and a purple t-shirt sporting the letters SPQR, the jacket had a hidden pocket inside sporting a dagger gifted from my mother, I was also wearing dark-blue to black jeans and plain black running trainers. 

 I eventually got to the Empire State Building and approached the doorman of Olympus, I wonder if he has an official title. "Key to the six-hundredth floor," I said stoically

The doorman looked up and saw my shirt, his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, I doubt they get many Romans around here. "Look kid, if you ain't got an appointment I'm going to have to ask you to leave. 

I glared at the man making him gulp before handing him my security pass, Hephetatus upgraded it so it changes when I'm in a different form.

Security Pass to Olympus:                                                                                                                                             Nerva Jackson son of Jupiter and Juno

Status: Classified (Tri-Blood)                                                                                                                                  

Place of Residence: Temple of Jupiter

The man's eyes widened, I almost feel sorry for him but before I can think about it further he muttered numerous apologies and hands me the door key. 


I walked through Olympus towards the Temple of Jupiter arguing with the Greek stuck in my head! I'm telling you bringing them Aunt Hestias blue cookies will make them significantly less worried and a hundred million percent happier! That makes absolutely no sense, how are cookies going to calm down two of the Olympians! 

I was stopped by the security god at the Temple of Jupiter saying its restricted, I nodded and handed him my security pass. The security god was shocked to say the least but let me pass and I could finally go greet my parents.

As soon as I stepped a foot inside the temple a nymph came and told me I was expected in my mother and father's joint office, they don't use it often and when I was little it was mostly the 'you're in big trouble' room. 

I approached the office and door and knocked, it was pushed open by the wind. I stepped inside and saw the worried faces of my mother, Juno, and my father, Jupiter. "We heard what that stultum Minerva spawn. 

My lips twitched upwards, "I am fine mother, she was insipiens for a daughter of Minerva but landed a lucky hit, it could have been worse she had summoned a pit scorpion."

Jupiter scowled and you could feel the ozone coming off him in waves, "Should she ever take the sky again she will feel the wrath of Jupiter!" He bellowed

Juno nodded in agreement, I chuckled "She deserves it that is known father but you must calm down the mortals are in a panic over you're recent rage, some are predicting the start of the end."

father looked annoyed but agreed and tried to calm down as mother decided we should all bond as a family for a bit, we spent the rest of the day talking about my quest, time in camp as well as playing a few games. 

TIME SKIP:                                                                                                                                                                                  Percy/Nerva POV:

Its been just over a day since I arrived back at Olympus and I was going to the training grounds to practice my archery as I haven't had a chance in a while, just as I was inspecting my bow I saw a man in a leather bikers jacket with a wave of bloodlust coming off of him heading towards me, Mars. 

Once he was in front of me he said "Nerva, you're new Roman aspect is fascinating. I must thank you for freeing me of the binds Lord Saturn unknowing placed upon my mind."

I smiled and looked at his blood-red eyes "It was nothing brother, if not for helping each other what is family for?" I asked, "We may be a very, different family perhaps the first dysfunctional family in existence but Minerva always said my fault was loyalty and I am loyal to you."

He cracked a smile, "Well, how about a spar brother? I heard you beat me but I was being controlled them you won't be able to do that now!" He yelled

I accepted and we went to the training arena and sparred for hours on end before I was summoned by Minerva. "We must do this again Nerva, you may have lost but you are becoming a truly formidable opponent." 

I smiled as I made my way to meet my sister, I could feel things were going to be very tense.


I was outside of the Temple of Minerva waiting for an invitation in waiting in a tense silence as the gods be dammed greek started talking again, Oh calm down it's your sister, yeah she might be a little pissed that her daughter betrayed Olympus but that's not your fault! Yes, it may not be our fault but she's still going to be pissed!

"Lady Minerva is waiting for you in art room number sixteen." A random nymph said

I nodded and went to look for 'art room number sixteen', it took a while but I eventually found it and knocked on the door. The door opened in one fluid motion of the wind, "Enter" Minerva said softly. 

I walked inside and saw Minerva sitting on a chair weaving, "Sit" she said glancing at a chair opposite from her. 

"How are you sister?" I asked

She scowled, "I can't believe such a stolidus puella could from my own cogitamentum!" She yelled mixing Latin and English in frustration.

I nodded, "It's not your fault soror." I told her "That execrabilis puella is no one but the fates creatio." 

She nodded and started to apologize for her daughter's action again but I stopped her, reminding her I do not blame her and we continued to have a discussion about my time at camp and what is to come.

"Thank you for your time, Minerva, I have a checkup with Asclepius soon and do not want to be late." 

She nodded and we said our goodbyes, See I told you it would be fine!

Cursed Greek!

Percy Jackson Son of Hera and Zeus [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now