•𝖨𝗌𝗈𝗀𝖺𝗂~𝖪𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗂𝗇 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝗋𝗆𝗈𝗎𝗋•

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(TW: 'Bullying, tiny mention of suicide and forth wall breaking')

You and Isogai had been dating for around 3 months now, and were just at the beginning of your assassination lives. But, the problem was you were constantly being harassed by Isogai's fans who constantly told you that you weren't good enough for him, you were ugly, a freak and many other names that just constantly shot you down. You deeply wanted to mention it to Isogai, but whenever you did you were either interrupted or you just shut down and gave up thinking it wasn't important or that you could deal with the issue yourself.

It was Tuesday afternoon, you had just exited the 3-E building and unfortunately for you, you just had to run into Isogai's fans i.e. your bullies. Which really wasn't what you needed today especially after you were embarrassed in front of your class today when you completely failed a bunch of tests and was beaten multiple times when you had to spar your fellow classmates. Trying to avoid any form of contact you heard a comment which made your heart sink,

"Oh look who it is Isogai's pathetic S/O who can't do anything for themselves. I don't know what Isogai even sees in your pathetic self."

Tears were ready to pour from your eyes, but you refrained from letting them slip out of your e/c orbs and started to dash home avoiding any concerned teens and adults who would ask you if you were okay.

Finally, reaching the safe sanctuary of your home you flung open the front door and ran straight to your bathroom. Throwing open the door you immediately rolled up the sleeves of your blazer and shirt staring at your self repeating all those harmful and disgusting words those people said to you,

They're right what am I good for

I'm useless

He could find someone better

It would better for everyone if I just died

(Isogai's p.o.v)

I was at the café as usual, but the unusual thing about the day was that Y/n didn't come and visit me they would always be in the same booth at exactly the same time and would be here till my shift ended. But, they weren't here many questions and scary possibilities were running through my head, I tried calling them on my break but Y/n didn't respond I sent them a plethora of texts which they didn't even read.

What felt like ages was only a few minutes as my shift had finally ended, I dashed right out of the café running straight to Y/n's home. What I saw from the exterior of the house was that the front door was wide open making my suspicions grow into a terrifying reality. Their shoes and bag were dashed across the floor of their living room, before doing anything else I closed the front door in search of any intruders and or a trace of Y/n.

Suddenly, I heard shuffling from upstairs and almost loud sobs of...anger, frustration or pain maybe all 3 in one. I immediately ran upstairs and knocked on Y/n's bedroom door, but they didn't respond at all I was getting very worried so I shouted with a strain in my voice, "Y/n!? Y/n!?, I know your in there what's wrong.."

(Y/n's p.o.v)

I heard loud thumps on my bedroom door and heard a very familiar voice, I immediately knew it was Isogai. So, I tried to straighten myself up and tried to hide any evidence that I was crying in the first place. I slowly stood up, walked to my bedroom door I opened it and saw a very concerned Isogai his eyes were filled with so much worry it made my heart ache that I was the reason he was like this.

"Y/n...you're okay..." He says with relief flooding through his system, I engulf him in a bear hug and gently mumble,

"I'm sorry Isogai I didn't mean to--" before I could finish Isogai lifted me gently carrying me to my bed, he gently put me down and grabbed my hand slowly caressing it with his thumb as whispered into my ear, "Y/n...Something's bothering you. I won't force you to tell me what's wrong." He held back his next words thinking carefully of what to say next.

"But I'm always here to listen remember I'm your knight in shining armour."

Those last 5 words made memories flood back and took me on a trip down memory lane.


Me Isogai and Maehara were best friends since we were in diapers, when we were younger people made fun of me since I struggled with certain subjects that everybody else found so easy. I would be bullied and ridiculed every single day and it made me feel so weak because every time I tried to defend yourself I would bite back my words and somehow my attempts to defend myself turned into the next round of bullying.

I was alone in the kindergarten playground being bullied again when suddenly I heard a sweet angelic voice shout, "Leave her alone!" everyone immediately disassembled around from my balled up figure. A hand was gently placed onto my shoulder, I looked up and was met with my closest friend Isogai he helped me up from my feet and dragged me away from everyone else.

"Don't listen to them Y/n." I looked at him my eyes glistening at his almost infectious grin and his adorable cocoa coloured hair reflecting off of the sun.

"If they ever try and hurt you again run to me, remember I'm your knight in shining armour"

(Flashback end)

Tears started to well up and finally they were released, I wrapped my arms around Isogai's chest. Isogai gently caressed my head as I nuzzled further into the crook of his neck. I couldn't hold back what was bothering me anymore so I spilled, "Isogai...I'm being bullied..., they won't stop harassing me I can't take it anymore!"

He slowly caressed my head and placed millions of kisses on it, he whispered soothingly into my ear,

" Y/n I'm not going to rush you, but when you're ready, give me as many names as you know or any recognisable faces okay...we'll get through this together."

I nodded at his reassuring message, he slowly tilted my head up and brushed the tears away with his thumb. Isogai gently lulled me to sleep with soothing comments that made me feel safe and feel wanted and needed by at least one person in my world.

The next day, I was on the way to 3-E when I saw Isogai's fans who were ready to commit to their daily ritual of bullying me. They were about to start their disgusting vocal assault of my being when I hear 2 pairs of footsteps run towards the group. I turn around and see Isogai and Maehara who were giving the fans sharp glares which made all of them cower away back to the main sight. I look at both of them with an astonished look on my face unable to say anything.

Isogai smiles and reaches out his hand, which I immediately grab and smile at him he really is my knight in shining armour...



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