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Your eyes
I think that's what I love the most about you
Your pure obsidian eyes
When you are happy, they would glimmer with an ethereal shine
I have never seen you cry
I don't know how they would look like when you cry
I guess I will never know, I never want you to cry
Not even for the happy reasons
But I have seen you upset
The look in your eyes when you are upset is also one I never want to see ever again
And if you look closely, there are brown swirls
You say you get them from your mother
And the blue swirls are from your father
I have never seen the blue swirls
I would love to see them someday, one day
You don't express your emotions easily
But your eyes seem to have a mind of their own
Without your permission, they speak a lot
About you, your emotions, your feelings
The voice of your eyes
They are deeper than the deepest of oceans
Louder than the loudest of thunders
You never hear them
You never read them
No one ever does
I do
Will you let me read them?
Will you let me listen to them for hours on end?
It's all in the eyes, they say, always
And I want your all

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