Cat X Eyes

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The door opened to reveal Satotz, the examiner.
It's about to begin.

Anxiety filled me as Satotz stepped to face the crowd.

"If anyone would like to leave please do so now. The elevator is that way."

This is it. I can leave or put myself in a life threatening test for a goal I have not decided yet…

"Alright then follow me."

I didn't come all this way to be a coward.

As everyone started slowly jogging behind Satotz, suddenly I caught sight of bee girl. Correction, Ponzu #264. Ponzu was someone I knew little to nothing about, yet if I could help it I'd prevent her death. Besides, if I wanted to know more about this world I should make friends. Is it sad that this would probably be the hardest part.

Now running I moved beside her, trying to figure out how to have a conversation.

"Hey, Ponzu right?" I offered her a polite smile, however she wasn't having it.

"If you're working with Tonpa leave now, tch, think I'm easy prey. I will kill you."  She glared at me.

Great start to our friendship.
I sweat dropped.

" Hey, calm down, I'm not with that parasite, I was just wondering if you wanted to have a conversation... You know girl power!"
I tried to say the last part enthusiastically but my anxiety got the best of me.

She looked me up and down before meeting my eyes in a cold stare. When did Ponzu become intimidating? Her face seemed to relax a bit, seeing me as non threatening.

"Sorry about that, it's just the hunter exam. It's a little.. strange for someone to be having friendly conversations don't you think?" She faced forward again, seemingly concentrating on her breathing.

I smiled.
"Not at all actually, the boys up there are literally talking about their backstories. Although that's probably because they're the main characters."
I mumbled the last part, wondering if I would have plot armor.

She looked at me confused, before shaking it off.
We ran together for about 10 minutes before I spoke again.

"Hey, I like your hat!" I tried to make more conversation.
She looked away, seemingly flustered.
Lost in thought for a moment, as if she was thinking about saying something.

"Actually, it's not just a hat."

Yay, I actually got Ponzu to talk to me!
"It's not?" I pretended to act confused.

She smiled. "It's actually where I store my bee's."

Ponzu made a motion with her hand causing small holes in the hat and a group of bees to meet outside of it.

"Is this a bad time to mention bees terrify me?"

Ponzu giggled before motioning them to go back inside.

She turned to me,
"Oh, I just realized, I never asked your name…"

"Right, my name's Y/n!"

"It's great meeting you y/n."

After separating from Ponzu you increase your speed to find Gon and Killua.

After running for so long you were surprised by your energy.
'must be hxh stamina'. 

Once the boys were insightful you began to match their pace.
"Hi, Gon!"

"Hey Y/n! " Gon basically yelled.

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