Another x girl

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Satotz ran off back into the woods as we stood before Menchi and the fat guy who's name I don't remember.

Damn Menchi thick.

I knew she would fail everyone so I paid little attention to her explaining, not to mention didn't know how to cook pork anyway. I lived on packaged food.

As we all went out to find the pigs I frowned. How was I supposed to hit the pig's forehead?

Walking through the forest I found a pig all on my own, debating whether or not to return to the others.

No. If I relied on them I couldn't protect myself.

 I felt as if someone was watching me, after surveillancing the area I shrugged it off.

I took the knife out of my bag and climbed a tree.

When I reached the top right above the pig I jumped down into its head and stabbed right in the middle, gross.

I sighed at the blood I had spilled and picked up the pig, surprised by my own strength, but it was still heavy as hell.

I walked back to my station, people were already pouring in with pigs on their backs.

I lit my stove and threw the pig on knowing that no matter what I did I would fail this phase.


Like expected, everyone failed.

Menchi said my pig was burnt on the outside and undercooked on the inside, but hey, I wasn't a chef.

Chairman Netero dropped down from the sky.

"Failing everyone seemed a bit extreme don't you think?" 

   *Timeskip brought to you by Bungee gum. 

   The actual chewing gum, not Hisoka's ability.*

I explored the ship, gathering as much food as I could in my backpack. I stopped when I saw Gon and Killua sitting on the window seal. I debated whether or not to bother them, not wanting to be a burden. 

Then Gon called me over.

"Hey Y/n! We're over here!" 

He shouted.

I sweat dropped at his unexplained excitement as I made my way over.

"You just destroyed my eardrums idiot."

"Oh. Sorry Killua!"

He apologized.

"Hey Y/n, did you know that Killua comes from a family of assassins?" 

I pretended to be shocked.

"She does. She says she's from another universe."

I scowled at him. Talk about a secret.

Gon's eyes got even wider if possible.

"Wait, you're from another world?! How? What's your world like?! How do you know Killua?! Why are you here? Where-"

"Geez! Let her talk dummy!" Killua yelled at him.

Gon looked at me apologetically as they both waited for my answer. 

"Well…" I looked around to see if Netero was here.

"The truth is I don't know exactly how I got here but someone named the director? He brought me here I guess to do something with my life, I don't know who he is yet, or why I'm here exactly. But my world is boring and I'm a no-one, I have no real goal in being here. But you and Killua are kinda from a… show? From my world and that's where I got everyone's names and backstories." 

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