Broken you

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Warning: Yandere themes, vampire themes, blood, biting, fainting, loss of blood, Severus as a vampire

You sat, slumped against Severus, your neck bleeding still from the bite marks which littered it. Severus was frowning, checking the wounds which he had left on your neck. You looked pale, he had not realised how much blood he had taken from your body. He was foolish and he mentally kicked himself for his actions.

Slowly Severus took your cheek, making you look into his jet black eyes. You looked back with eyes full of haze which worried Severus very much. "My darling?" he asked, a slight lump forming in his throat. "You must talk to me"


You were confused, close to fainting, you could barely see Severus or hear him. You felt heavy and numb. You tried to move, letting out a little groan in confusion which Severus picked up and frowned at. One hand reached for his wand and gently placed it to your neck, whispering some spell. You felt slightly better, the haze starting to lift which had been encasing your body. Severus had without knowing it took most of your blood, becoming entranced in the taste and the feel of your body against his, he should have controlled himself, not becoming enraptured by your body to almost kill you. He swallowed the lump in his throat again, pushing his face into your hair and trying not to think about what he had done to you, a few tears fell from his face, wetting your slightly bloodied hair.

"Oh dearest" he whispered in your hair. What have I done to you he finished in his mind as he held your limp body close against him. For a while Severus stayed like this, not wishing to face what he had done, how he had broken you with his teeth and actions.

Slowly Severus let go and with his wand summoned to himself some cream which he used on your wounds. He had bitten down your neck and also on your wrists, the small red dots on your skin showed what he had done to you. Thankfully the marks had stopped bleeding, and Severus put copious amounts of the cream onto them, wishing that the marks could be whipped away like chalk on a blackboard.

"Severus?" you murmured, your head spinning. Immediately Severus looked up, concerned in his eyes. "What happened?" you asked, unsure about the past hours.

"You just lost some blood" he cooed, cocking his head to watch you hazily blink and look at him like you looked through him.

"I am tired" you mumbled, collapsing into Severus.

Severus' lip slightly quivered as he saw what you had become because of him. He had almost killed you.

"Stay awake for now" he ordered, bringing his wand out again and bringing to himself a red potion. He opened the bottle, one hand going behind your head and the other bringing the bottle to your lips. Slowly he poured the mixture into your mouth. You whimpered slightly, not enjoying the taste, slight tears forming at the corners of your eyes.

"Swallow" Severus ordered, removing the bottle and placing the cork back into it. Severus' hand was now white where he had gripped onto the cork in worry but he did not notice this, watching intently as you slowly swallowed the mixture.

"I don't like it" you garbled as Severus whipped the tears away from your eyes.

"It does not matter if you do not like it" Severus said, "swallow it" he said in a harsh way, this just made tears fall down your face faster but you nodded, pain coming from your neck with the action as you finished swallowing the disgusting liquid. This made tears fall more and you slightly gave out some sobs.

"Shh" Severus cooed, taking you into his arms and gently kissing your cheeks, stained with salty tears. "It is okay, settle now (y/n)"

You sniffed, haze filling your head as you slumped into Severus again, shivering against him. Slowly Severus let you down onto the bed that you both sat on, wrapping you up in many layers of blankets to try and warm you up, you had lost so much blood that you could not regulate your temperature properly

"I am sorry" he whispered, kissing your cheek and laying down with you, listening to your ragged breath as it slowed even further as you fell into a dark and deep sleep.

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