Replacement 🍋

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Warning: death, yandere themes, impersonation, manipulation, sex

You had been happily married for a while now with a muggle person named Hilary you had met at a coffee shop. They found out you were magical only a day before the wedding, however, they accepted you for who you were and they agreed to carry on the wedding.

Severus read the news of this with annoyance. He wished for you to be his, not some random muggle who did not deserve your beauty, kindness and love. Slowly, he thought of a plan to make you, his. He mulled over this for a while, unsure how to properly go about it. You haven't seen him for around a year, being so busy with your job and your new life. However, Severus had seen you, how you had gotten so close with your partner and how perfect a couple you had become, he wanted this. When finally his plan came to him, he immediately wanted to put it into action.

You watched your partner leave for work, a smile on your face. Your life was so perfect, you had met someone wonderful to spend the rest of your life with, someone who loved you for you. You closed the door and sat back on the couch, relaxing before you also had to leave for work. You hoped that they would have a good day today and wandered toward the fireplace.

Severus watched as Hilary walked through the dark streets. Their work had finished and they were returning home to you. Severus would not allow this and quickly came out of the shadows and pulled them into it. Hilary screened but with wandless magic, Severus silenced them. Severus frowned, they looked terrified. He ripped out a large chunk of their hair and muttered avada kedavra. Hilary went limp in his arms. Severus disposed of the body and placed one hair into his potion, watching it bubble before drinking the bottle. It tastes disgusting, however, Severus didn't care, too busy stripping the body of their clothes and placing it on his new one. Severus wished he did not need to do this, however, it was the only way to have you as his own. In no time, Severus looked like your partner and was now walking toward your house, a sick smile on his face.

You wondered where Hilary was, they are not usually this late. Before you could reach for your phone, you heard the door open and they came in, placing down their bag in the usual spot. Severus had watched you both, how Hilary moved, their mannerisms and how they showed affection to seamlessly place himself in their place.

"Darling" you said, smiling in relief. "I got worried."

Severus walked toward you, placing a kiss on your head. This was pure bliss already, the smell of your hair being ever so beautiful.

"Would you like some tea?" you asked, standing from the sofa and looking back at your partner.

Severus nodded, watching as you moved into the kitchen, glad that you had not suspected a thing. He followed you through and watched as you made tea, fascinated with how you moved and how close he was, finally. He resisted the urge of holding you, exploring you, making you, his. All this is to wait.

"You are quiet" you murmured. "Did everything go okay at work?"

"Perfectly" Severus said, a smile creeping on his face. "and how about you?"

"It went well" you said, smiling as you handed them a drink. "I can't talk to much about it though, you understand"

They nodded, taking a sip of the drink you handed to them. Severus frowned slightly, the drink was foul, however, he drank it anyway.

"What are you dinking of dinner?" you asked.

Severus shrugged, making you chuckle. "You always say that" you murmured, looking at Hilary with love. Severus almost melted at this and had to stop himself from holding you. Slowly you went into the other room and sat, snuggling next to Hilary as you gently sighed. Severus grinned, taking the chance to melt into him. Slowly his hand moved to your lap and his hand held your thigh. Severus had watched you as you had been fucked by Hilary, he knew what you liked and it was also what he liked.

"Hilary" you murmured as Severus' hands moved down. You gripped his arm, closing your eyes and whimpering gently.

"There is a good girl" he whispered, nuzzling his nose into your hair around your ear. "Let me have you"

Slowly you let go of his arm, clutching the cushion as Severus teased you through your clothes. You opened your eyes, placing your cup down and laying down, watching Severus as he also placed the cup down, watching you hurgiuly. Oh, how he had wished for this day for so long.

He went down on you, undoing your trousers. Severus' heart pounded as he slowly took down your pants. It was more perfect than he imagined and he took a deep breath, undoing his own pants. It may not be his own dick, however, he would feel every single feeling. Pulling it out, he breathed a sigh of happiness before pushing into you. He groaned, gritting his teeth. The feeling was ever so wonderful, so tight, yet fitted you just right. You groaned slightly, letting your head slump slightly to the side as Severus began to move in and out of you, his hands resting on the arm rest.

You groaned again, feeling wonderful friction which was done all so right, he was rubbing against something delicious which was very close. You smiled, opening your eyes weakly to see Hilary, his hair out of place. You closed your eyes again, not seeing as he took out a small flask, drank and then quickly hid it away.

"Please" you whispered. "I need this, I need you"

"And you shall get me" he whispered, hand enclosing around your gullet and squeezing. You groaned, loving the feeling as his body ground against you.

"I love you" you murmured, your head lulling to the side as you felt so close. You bucked your hips, wishing for the release that you needed so badly.

Severus' gritted his teeth, so close to cumming, what he had dreamed for. He groaned, closing his eyes and gripping your neck a little further as he came, filling you up. The feeling of his cum made you orgasm, your hands which gripped the cushions going limp with pleasure.

You both breathed heavily, Severus composing on you, breathing hard.

"You never answered the question" you breathed quietly, shifting slightly to become comfortable, his penis still snuggled into you. Severus looked up at you. "What did you want for dinner?"

"I think I already had dessert" he muttered and you giggled, moving slightly to feel the echo of the delicious feeling.

Severus had lived like this for a long time with you, faking to be your innocent, non-magical husband. He loved this, and he loved you, fitting in his new life perfectly. You were none the wiser and Severus got his will, his will was to have you and none else.

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