28: whiplash

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"I gotta see her, man" Topper groaned. 

"We're not... We're not good right now" Rafe tried to talk him down.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up. Shut up, dude."

"Bad idea, muchacho. If you go there now, there is a high likelihood you'll go fetal."

"Exactly. I'm not... I'm not going fetal" Kelce uttered bringing his beer bottle to his lips

"I'm gettin' fetal vibes. Are you gettin' them?" Rafe turned to look at me asking me the question with a cheeky grin but I was confused as to what he was even talking about so I gave him a blank look.

"All right. It's your funeral. It's your funeral"

I continued staring at Rafe and smiled feeling his hand move onto my thigh and caress my exposed skin due to the slit in my dress being open.

"Shitty idea, man" Rafe muttered as the car entered the gates of his own house and pulled up in the driveway opposite the large estate.

"Liquid courage, boy" Kelce patted Topper's shoulder passing him his beer.

"Don't screw this up. Let's go"

"Hurry your ass up, okay?

"Let's go. Make it quick, okay?"

"He looks terrible" Kelce sighed and I looked out the car window seeing Topper leaning on the hood of the car clearly struggling to walk properly or even stand up straight.

"Bro, we're gonna leave your ass if you don't make it fast, okay?" Rafe said from beside me as he began edging his hand up my thigh and I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"You look terrible" Kelce whistles before unattractively burping and opening up his car door, he kept a hand over his mouth as he excused himself and walked away from the vehicle.

Rafe gently grabbed my jaw and turned my head to look at him with a smile, I watched him dig into the front pocket of his dress pants and pull out a small ziplock bag of white powder.

"Oh baby" I whispered eyeing the little bag and grabbing it from his grips, I looked up to him and smiled. "Scoot over" I instructed as he slid his body over to the seat furthest away from me giving me room to lie my back down on the seats with my legs sprawled on the ground. 

Rafe easily slid up and hovered over my body as I passed him the small bag with a mischievous grin on my face.

Rafe's eyes widen at my behavior but he smiled like I've never seen before. He opened the bag and carefully emptied some of the contents onto my chest to a messy line, "You are somethin' else y'know" He mumbled lowering his head to my chest and snorted the powder off my bare skin. "So incredibly sexy" he mumbled again looking up at me before lowering his head a second time sniffing the cocaine and shooting his head up in delight.

Rafe hastily jumped off my body when the car door was ripped open, I quickly wiped off any excess powder and angled my head up seeing Kelce laughing his head off.

"Oh man, I don't even wanna know" He laughed as Rafe's cheeks blushed red being caught by his best friend. 

I was as equally mortified and quickly sat up in my seat as Rafe did the same. 

"Why are we always being interrupted?" Rafe growled unhappily playing with the material of my dress as Kelce jumped into the car and a few seconds later Topper was opening his door and jumping inside the car starting it up. 

Topper seemed tenser than before as his grip on the steering wheel was turning white.

"So, Sarah's not home I'll assume" I hummed leaning my body further into Rafe's for some reason craving his touch as he continued playing with my dress.

"She uh, had Wheezie as a decoy man, I have no idea what's going on but uh I know where she is," Topper seemed determined as we drove away from Tannyhill. 

All I felt like doing was falling asleep but the sound of their awful music and loud voices, unfortunately, kept me awake. 

I leaned my head back against the window as Rafe drew random shapes along my bare skin.

Whatever was happening between us confused even me, one second he was being sweet then the next he was screaming in my face. 

If we kept this up it'll give me whiplash going back and forth between his everchanging emotions.


Kelce, Rafe, and I were sitting silently in Topper's jeep ever since he'd parked the car in Hawksnest's parking lot and jumped out without saying a word to any of us. 

Kelce sat opening another beer bottle and bringing it to his lips whilst I sat beside Rafe yawning in exhaustion.

Rafe's leg was bouncing up and down probably from the drugs he'd just inhaled a few minutes ago but I was growing tidier by the minute. 

I rolled the window up hearing thunder crash outside as everyone in the car stayed silent and the only thing that was heard was faint music playing from the radio. 

I couldn't get comfortable in my position leaning against the window due to my neck becoming strained so instead I leaned my head on Rafe's shoulder and closed my eyes just for a moment. 

I felt Rafe's arm slide around my shoulder as he pulled me closer to his body working in my favor as his body heat radiated the warmth I was hoping for.

"What is that?" Kelce questioned and I opened my eyes looking at him in confusion.

"What?" I asked looking around the car, I furrowed my eyebrow trying to think of what he was talking about but then I heard faint screaming in the distance, "What the hell" I muttered lowly before moving away from Rafe's body and opening the door grabbing the ends of my dress and jumping out of the car. 

Rafe and Kelce followed my actions and were soon by my side walking towards the screaming and comotion we heard.

Topper came into view as he walked towards us without saying a word. He stared ahead and ignored our questioning looks keeping his face blank. 

Rafe and Kelce moved in front of his body trying to get an answer from him but this made me pick up my pace as I now ran towards the group.

I caught a glimpse of Sarah's white dress and then her full body came into view. I ran towards Sarah cradling John B's head surrounded by the other pogues all looking concerned. I moved over to Sarah sobbing and quickly wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my shoulder, "It's okay" I whispered as she pulled away from me and moved back to John B's unconscious body cradling his head.

"John B, stay with me" Sarah whispered before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, "Please don't leave me" she sobbed.

I was beyond confused but tried to focus on my upset friend as the pogues around us were scrambling trying to call for help. 

Sarah stayed crying next to John B's head as I stroked her back but after a few minutes I stood up to at least try get some answers.

"What happened?" I asked JJ who was standing beside Kiara whilst Pope was off trying to call for help. JJ avoided my eye contact as Kie stared at me with the same disgusted look on her face she could never seem to wipe off in my presnce. 

"JJ?" I asked again trying to get his attention but he glanced towards the ground.

"Don't talk to her J" Kiara instructed as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Can't I just know what happened?" I spoke up again.

"Why don't you ask your boy Topper" Kiara snarled as JJ finally looked up and gave me an apologetic look. 

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