57: drive you crazy

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*warning contains mature content ;)*

My heart was racing.

My mind was racing and trying to focus on anything seemed like an impossible task. Flipping through vogue magazines with a glass of red wine in my hand seemed like a good idea in hindsight but everything blurred into the background and became nothing. 

Rafe was a ticking time bomb when it came to his father and I was racking my brain thinking over every possible scenario which sent me further into an anxiety spiral. I reached out to place my half empty wine glass on the glass coffee table and let out a yawn, I toke that as a sign to take myself to bed, unfortunately without Rafe.

I slugged myself up the stairs that never seemed to end and collapsed into bed the second it was in sight. With my face flat down on my mattress my mind went straight back to Rafe. I sighed realising how pathetic I was, I could barely go 3 minutes without thinking of Rafe Cameron. 

Sitting up in my bed I drew my legs to my chest and hugged myself. I was nervous Rafe would turn straight to drugs and I'd be left here waiting for him at home like a little lost puppy wondering where in the world he was, or better yet what he was doing.

But I tried to shove my thoughts away as I snuggled under my covers and switched on the TV, except I could barely even keep my eyes open long enough to gauge what I was watching. I wanted nothing more than to close my eyes and fall into a peaceful sleep but I couldn't rest without knowing what Rafe was doing. 

If I slept tonight it was going to be by his side. I was fully aware my attached for him was unhealthy but I didn't care.

I couldn't tell when I fell asleep but what woke me up was soft footsteps walking over my hardwood floors. I shot up in my bed seeing a dark figure walking towards me, from the stiletto alone I visibly relaxed. 

"How's my sleepy girl?" Rafe whispered walking further into my bedroom and closer to me. 

"Oh thank god" I breathed out thankful he was here with me. When he reached my bed I crawled over to him throwing my arms around his neck making him laugh. 

"Missed me?" He chuckled before kissing my jawline.

"No" I scrunched my face up releasing my arms from around him and moving my head back to the pillow. 

"Sure you didn't?" He cooed teasing me. 

"Positive," I said yawning making him laugh again. I watched Rafe kick off his shoes, rip his t-shirt off and unbutton his jeans leaving him in only his navy Calvin Klein briefs. I kept my eyes on his body as he moved over to me and slid under the covers laying his body next to mine. He snaked his arm underneath my body holding me close whilst I snuggled up to his chest. 

"You better start packing in the morning" Rafe croaked out with his voice sounding tired and strained. 

My face flushed with confusion, "What do you mean?" I asked whilst he kissed the top of my head and began slowly running this fingers through my hair. I heard him sigh as I drew small shapes on his chest, "We're going to the Bahama house princess" he said sounding exciting but I was even more confused.

"What? why are we going to the Bahamas?" I asked. "When I had my talk with Ward I explained how we're dating and that...." he trailed off "I want to be better for you, that you make me want to sort my shit out and be a better person"

My heart soared with endearment hearing that Rafe was willing to put in effort for me and our relationship, it made me love him even more. "I'm proud of you Rafe".

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