September 31, 2013

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A/N: The next Scream movie doesn't have Skeet Ulrich, the guy who played Billy Loomis. I'm going to hit the producer with a vacuum. Give me Skeet, or give me Skeet. No other option, sorry.

For Connor. True friend right there.

"Hey, kid! How was school?" Uncle U/N (uncle's name) asked, unrolling a carpet in the living room. 

"Sucked." You mumbled, storming up the stairs and slamming your bedroom door shut. 

All day, people had been mocking you. Your hair, your clothes, your face, even your way of speech. And you spoke just the same as everybody else in that school. You were being mocked. Only one of the things that was said stood out to you, and made a pit in your stomach well up to the size of a balloon. 


"You hear about Michael Myers' yet?" Tommy Brandyn had asked you, getting up in your face. 

"No. And, can you back up, man? Your breath smells like a crime scene." You had wrinkled your face in disgust. 

Tommy's posse sniggered and closed in around. 

"You know, you moved into the old Myer's house. You know who Michael Myers is?" Tommy asked. 

"No, like I already said. Can I go to lunch now?" You replied, a bored tone in your voice. 

"Michael Myer's comes back every Halloween, and he lived in that house. He killed his whole family, except for one. Laurie Strode, but she's in assisted living now. She didn't want to die. If you look at the areas where Michael dumped all the bodies, it all leads back to your house. I bet I won't see you on November 1st." Tommy smirked. 

You tried to hide the scared look on your face, but you were willing to bet that you didn't do a good job at this. Tommy and his gang laughed again before walking away. 

Curiosity got the better of you after about ten minutes of sitting at your desk, debating if you should looked up Michael Myers. Eventually, you caved and opened your laptop. Just as you did, you felt like someone was looking at you. You got up and slowly walked over to the window. It looked directly into the side yard, where Aunt A/N (Aunt's Name) had hung some bedsheets out to dry. 

You swore, just for a second, you saw a white, emotionless mask on a tall figure wearing a blue mechanic's outfit. 

You threw open the window and leaned your head out to get a better view. However, nobody was there. There was no sign of the white mask, or the blue jumpsuit, or anything. 

You went back to the laptop and opened a search engine. 

Who is Michael Myers

After reading the first paragraph on the Wikipedia page, you slammed the laptop shut. You had seen more than you wanted to see. You didn't know what you expected to see. However, you know what you didn't want to see. 


                                                            "Haddonfield, Illinois" 

                             "Laurie Strode"


    "Police stumped" 

                                                                                                                                      "White, emotionless mask"

                                                    "Blue jumpsuit"

You didn't like it. You wished your parents were still here. You wished they could take you out of this town. You, at the least, didn't want to be here on Halloween. You wanted to leave. 

"God, guys, please. Come back. Don't let me die here. Please." You whispered, hoping that whatever higher power could hear you. 

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