October 14, 2021

970 22 9

A/N: I've begun to plan out the next book, as there's only (and, I say this knowing that each chapter is relatively short) 17 chapters left. Judging by the references I've made in the last two books and this one, it should be somewhat easy to guess. Here's a hint: It's a very fine documentation, but it is impossible to sugar-coat it. There's many more hints in this chapter. 

You and Sam (with the help of the FBI agents) gathered the names and addresses of everyone living in Haddonfield. Then, (with the help of the FBI agents, the entire Haddonfield police force, yourself, and Sam) you informed everyone verbally of a secret meeting place that they are due to gather at seven o'clock P.M sharp. It was approximately a quarter past five P.M

You got back home at half past five. The next step on the plan you had labeled 'The Only Plan That Will End In The Demise Of Michael Myers' was to prepare. The next step came with an angle, though. You would be able to inform everyone of everything about Michael Myers thanks to an absurdly thick case file and a copy machine. The angle? You didn't have a copy machine. Where was it? The Haddonfield public library. 

So, you called upon the tech analyst for the FBI. With her help, you ended up with about two-hundred some-odd case files and a printer that was running out of ink and paper very quickly. 

The third step was simple. It was to eat a simple, relaxing dinner with family and set aside all concerns of the following meeting to enjoy yourself. This was your favorite step because you came up with it yourself. Decidedly, this dinner was roast beef with chocolate pudding for dessert. 

You finished said dinner at a quarter to seven. It was very filling, and everyone seemed satisfied, if not still a little distracted, by the time it was over. 

The town citizens were due to meet in twenty-five minutes at Haddonfield Municipal Court. Normally, the judge would never allow two citizens to take over the court room, not even Sam Loomis. But, considering that she was part of the audience that night (due to the fact that she lived in Haddonfield), she allowed it. 

Whilst you and Sam explained the situation in its entirety, people were handed out the brochures on Myers. While ninety percent of the town knew about Michael, this situation was a little different. Michael wasn't targeting Laurie anymore. He wanted you. 

"Questions?" You finished. An hour and a half had passed. 

"What about his sister, Laurie Strode? Does she know?" A middle-aged man raised his hand and asked. 

"We've got a plan to contact Laurie." 

"How do you know Michael isn't here right now?" 

"I don't." 

"Well, then, what good is this meeting?" 

"Let me ask you this, sir. Would you rather have Michael Myers listening in on our conversation or have him take out you and your family?" 

The man was silent. 

"Anybody else?" 

Nobody raised their hands. 

"Okay. If, uh, anybody comes up with any further questions, you can contact Dr. Sam Loomis, and he should be able to answer. Thank you for coming." 

Exuent All except Sam and Y/N.

"Do you think anybody will call or take our advice?" You inquired as the townsfolk filed out of the room. 

"If there's one thing I know, there's a group of men in this town who own more guns than a retired hunter. I believe if no one else, they'll be head of the Michael Myers Demise Group." 

"Were they here?" 

"Did you see the beer bellies in trucker hats sitting in the front?" 

"Yes, I did." 

"That's them. They saved a young girl and from Michael some years ago, but she was Michael's niece, and... I don't want to talk about it. Coulrophobia is a major fear of mine now, and I've been afraid to go near the house it all went down in. Come on, let's go home. It's getting chilly out, and we still need to visit Laurie." 


"Hello. My name is Doctor Samuel Loomis. This is Y/N L/N. We need to talk to Laurie Strode right away." 

"Sign in here." The young man at the front desk handed you and Sam a clipboard and a pen, and he signed the both of you in. 

"Room 615. Is this about M-" 

"Yes. She's the only one in town who didn't go." 

"Well, I don't blame her. She's afraid." 

"We don't blame her. Come, Y/N." 

Sam and you stepped into the elevator, and he pressed '6'. There was another nurse in the elevator, and she had a patient on a gurney.

"We're always quickest to doubt people who have a reputation for being honest." The man murmured, smiling eerily at you.

"Lloyd, don't start." The nurse warned, smiling apologetically. "I'm sorry, ma'am." 

"That's okay." 

The elevator stopped, and Lloyd and the nurse got off. You had two more floors to go, and nobody else got on. 


You and Sam sat in front of a sad-looking, older woman, with fading blonde hair and greying eyes. She didn't look like she was capable of smiling. 

"Ms. Strode? My name is Dr. Samuel Loomis. This is Y/N L/N. She's family of yours." 

"I remember you, Doctor Loomis. And, if we're family, then why have I never heard of her?" 

 "You're second cousins, I believe it said." 

"It? What is 'It'?" 

Sam sighed deeply. He looked to you, who looked to him. 

"Ms. Strode-" 


"Laurie, Michael's been communicating with Y/N. We, um, we just gave a seminar on how to stay safe from him, and-" 

"Whatever you said, it won't work. And, how exactly has he been communicating with you?" 

"Lots of ways. Letters, face to face-"

"I'm too tired for this right now. Please, come back tomorrow. Bring the letters if you still have them. Plus, visiting hours are nearly over. I'll see you two tomorrow." 

"Of course. Goodnight, Laurie." 


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