October 24, 2013

543 13 1

A/N: Netflix has released a trailer for Texas Chainsaw Massacre. My happiness is beyond acceptable levels of measurement. Also, I saw the new Scream. I like it a lot; 8/10 would watch again. It was a little corny, I admit, but sometimes, corny movies are the best movies. Shows, too. Like, The Unsettling, for example (If you want to watch it, it's on Netflix). 

 You were shocked. You couldn't go back to Haddonfield, you just couldn't! The police were looking for you (granted, they only wanted to help, but they would have to call U/N), the F.B.I was looking for you (and they'd really have to call U/N, as they took an oath), and you'd be forced to go with Uncle U/N. 

"Sam, we can't-" 

"We have to. I took an oath to save as many lives as I could when I became a doctor. To reiterate the points that apply to this situation, 'I will, first, do no harm... I will strive to be wise, compassionate, and contained with those in my care.' I could tell you about the second law, but it may or may not apply later. I worry that you will not understand the other oath I took, but know that the Hippocratic oath plays a major role in my decision. Basically, we have to because I swore to protect as many people as I could that were under my care, and right now, you are." 

You knew Sam was right. You just didn't want him to be right. You were afraid of what would happen, and you were afraid of Michael, and you were afraid of Uncle U/N. 

"Besides, if we go back, the F.B.I could get a hold of D/B/F/N. You want to find him, right?" Sam asked. 

Why did you give him the will again? 

"I wish you weren't right." 

"We'll go back first thing in the morning, and we'll show the agents all this," Sam gestured to the mess of papers and pictures around the room. "And everything will be okay." 


Sam woke you at stupid o'clock the next morning. The sun wasn't even up, and he already had two cups of coffee waiting..

"What- what time is it?" You asked, feeling around the bedside table for your phone. Even through the brightness was so high it looked like Jesus coming back to Earth, you could make out that it was just about two-thirty. "Why's it so early?" 

"If we're going to make it back to Haddonfield before anybody sees us, then we've got to go now." Was Sam's reply. "I already brought coffee and breakfast; you can eat on the way. I didn't know what you liked, so I brought you a vanilla latte and bagel from Starbucks." 

"Yeah, those are fine. About how far are we, do you think?" You asked, willing yourself out of bed and over to the coffee. 

"I don't know. The drive is probably about two hours, but I thought we should go early, because if we get there early, then the agents probably won't be too busy." 

Yeah, he had a point there. You couldn't confirm, as you weren't an agent, but the F.B.I did seem fairly busy. I mean, between serial killers and kidnappings, plus an inordinate amount of paper work that had to be done after each case, they seemed a little busy. 

You sighed before replying. "Yeah, you're right. Give me a couple minutes, and I'll be ready. I'm just gonna step out and get some fresh air really quick. You know, help wake me up." 

"I'll straighten up a bit. Meet in the car in five?" 


Outside was very windy. Man, if any of the folks down in Haddonfield had felt this kind of wind, some of the old-timers would get off their rocking chairs and be screaming, 'E'rry body down ta tha celler! It's a doozie of a ternader comin' our way! No, Suzie, forget that cup o' coffee! Lesgo!'

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