November 1, 2013

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A/N: It seems to me that most people who read my works enjoy it. So, allow me to absolutely annihilate your opinion of me with an absolutely awful joke about Michael Myers. What did Sam Loomis call Michael after he joined Jack Sparrow's crew? Evil on two pegs! 

The police were obviously suspicious of the large whole and body on the ground, but you told them the truth. Sort of. You told them that you had found a firecracker in the cellar and wanted to light it off, but set it off upside down. You stayed away from it (mostly because you only wanted to see what it did), but Michael had seen the light and went to investigate. He had very bad timing. 

Fortunately, only the dirt (and Michael) had been damaged, and the ground could easily be filled in. The agents had decided to cremate Michael and dump his ashes in the nearby river. Michael would not have a memorial or funeral, and life would go on.

"Jesus, Y/N, what happened?" Jason cried, running over to you . 

"It's nothing. Did you get the thing I asked for?" You asked. 

"Yeah. Here." Jason reached into his pocket and handed you a F/C/B (Favorite candy bar). "I still can't believe this is all you wanted it." 

"Well, it's Halloween, and I am tired. Therefor, I needed a F/B/C." You replied, biting into the heavenly bar. 


Life went on. Michael died, didn't come back from the dead. You had a good life on the farm, and you couldn't have been happier. Cooper was going through a growth spurt, and within two months of Michael's death, he had grown to nearly full size. 

Eventually, D/B/F/N and D/B/F/W/N welcomed a child together; a boy. The name was an easy choice for everyone, but you weren't allowed to know until he was delivered. 

"What's his name?" You asked in the delivery room, holding the now-sleeping baby. 

D/B/F/N smiled, trying hard not to cry, and said, 

"We've decided to name him D/N, after your father." 

And life went on. 



A/N: That's a wrap! Next week, I'll get out the first chapter of my next book, and you'll get the notification, because I'll post an update here. Thank you for reading!

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