October 7, 2013

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A/N: So, since we all can judge (by the order that these chapters are going in), we can all assume that the book will end with a chapter called November 1, 2013. Is there anybody y'all would like to see in my next book. I'll leave some ideas I have at the bottom of the page. 

You had no sleep that next night. Between seeing Jesse have his throat slit right in front of you, and then being accused of a murder you didn't commit, you didn't have a very good day. Plus, the weather wasn't very good. 

You mostly stayed up with Sam. You were going over anything an everything you could about Michael. 

"Now, once the sun comes up, here's the plan. You can go on a walk, by yourself. Go to the 7-11 and grab a coffee or something, just go to the 7-11. Now, Michael's built like a brick. It's an evil brick on two legs. So, he probably will be hidden well, until you look closely. Then, it's obvious where he is. Pay attention to bushes, on the sides of walls, in trees, behind trees, everywhere. I can guarantee you'll see him. Tell him where he is. What direction he's facing. Make him feel small and take away the element of surprise. He'll follow you, and then we'll be able to arrest him, if all goes to plan. Get it?" 

"Got it." 

"Great." Sam stood from the edge of the and checked his watch. "My God, it's nearly three in the morning. Do try to get some sleep." 

"I'll try." 


"Good morning," Uncle U/N smiled at you as he sipped his coffee and fluttered his newspaper. "How'd you sleep?" 

"Just fine." You lied, sitting across from him. 

"Sam told me about the plan you two came up with. Are you sure you want to do this? Make him angry?" 

"I'm ready for anything. I want this to be over. I, uh, I know some things that I'd rather not share right now, and I need this to end." 

Michael's letter flashed into your mind. Now, it was resting in a room with the F.B.I down at a police station, and it was being analyzed for clues as to where Michael might be. 

"Why not? W-why can't you share?" 

"I'm not ready. I'll tell you when I am. Right now, I just don't feel like I can do it." 

"Fine, I won't push it. Just-- be careful. Do me a favor, will you? I want you to take my pocket knife while you walk, just incase anything happens. Deal?" 

"Alright. I'm not really hungry right now. Do you want me to grab you anything from 7-11?" 

"Yeah. Could you grab me one glazed donut, two apple fritters, and a donut for yourself? All of us wanted to eat together this morning to discuss something." 

"Okay. I'll go grab my wallet, and then I'll go." 

Uncle U/N nodded, and you disappeared upstairs. You grabbed your wallet from your desk, and the pocket knife from Uncle U/N's bedside table. You slid it into the side-pocket of your jeans and walked backstairs, slipped your shoes on, and said goodbye to Uncle U/N. 

As you walked to the 7-11 (which was maybe about a mile away), you paid attention to the trees around you. Only about a quarter of a mile into the walk, you saw a blue figure crouched behind a tree. 

"Michael, I can see you." 

He stood slightly. 

"You're facing northeast, and behind a tree at Prentiss Park. You're mostly hidden behind a tree, but I can see your mask and part of your jumpsuit. You're approximately six feet tall, look to weight about 180 to 200 pounds. Your shoe size looks to be about thirteen, and you have a kitchen knife in your left pocket." 

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