Chapter 18

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A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful comments, please keep them coming! ❤ I hope you like this chapter! ❤

The next week and the following week felt as if you were caught in a hurricane in an open field. Contrary to before, you didn't feel the torturous slowness of time, instead everything seemed to happen too fast and too-


That was the word. Intense.

Which you figured made sense, seeing that you and Ivar barely slept or ate when you were alone with each other but instead you tended to be busy with other....


You tried to catch your breath as you grabbed the furs, your whole body feeling almost liquid. You honestly wondered how any of the married couples you knew could attend to their duties or focus on anything else, when you wanted nothing but stay in here with him for your whole life, ruling be damned.


"Just give me some time little shark, then we can carry on again." You could even hear his smirk as he panted beside you and you elbowed him, then rolled to your side to see him better, the fur tucked under your arms as you propped your head up on your fist.

"May I ask you something?"

"Hm?" Now he had his attention on you and you reached out to drag your fingertips over his braids, licking your lips.

"Do you think this is normal?"

He pulled his brows together, "What?"

"That we-" You felt your cheeks burn, "We both are very, ehm- eager about... this."

Ivar shot you a quizzical look "Mm hm?"

"You do not think we're being too eager?"

"Too eager?" he repeated, "If I remember it correctly, last night you were the one who dragged me here to-"

"Shh!" You covered his mouth, making him scoff before you lowered your hand, "You shouldn't say such things."

"We're the only people in here, no one would hear. Even if they did-"

"You should not say it nonetheless!" You insisted, making him chuckle and shake his head, "But you do think it's- that it's not out of ordinary?"

"I do not understand what you ask at all."

"It's merely that I've- I've heard things."

And just like that, for some reason a dark shadow crossed his expression and the soft light in his eyes dimmed, leaving itself to fury.

"What have you heard?"

You frowned slightly, not understanding the change at all but decided to be honest about it nonetheless.

"That consummating your marriage is always very terrible."

The fury left his eyes in a moment and he let out a breath, then narrowed his eyes as if just now hearing what you had said, "Terrible?"

"All my ladies in waiting said that it would be horrifying and in fact, one of them advised me to drink tea beforehand because she said my voice would get hoarse due to screaming of pain."

Ivar gawked at you, "What?"

"And- and I asked mother," You said, waving a hand in the air "When Bree forbid me from talking about it with my ladies, I asked mother and she only gave me a look and then said You're not getting married to enjoy yourself."

He looked like he was trying his hardest to keep a straight face, but a small chuckle escaped from his lips.

"That's-" he cleared his throat, "I don't know what to say to that."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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