Chapter 6

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You really shouldn't have wandered off to that empty corridor.

In your defense, if anybody asked, it wasn't your fault. It was merely a cold morning and while deep in thought about whether or not you should order new furs, you turned the wrong corner and stopped dead on your tracks when you heard a whine. The first thing that sparked through your mind was that someone was terribly hurt –and you never really knew when someone would get hurt in Kattegat- so you furrowed your brows, and took a step to peek around the corner.

And as soon as you did, you held your breath.

The good news was; no one was hurt.

Bad news?

It was highly inappropriate.

Hvitserk had a girl between his body and the wall. The girl had wrapped her arms around his neck, her head thrown back and his lips travelled from her lips to her neck before she let out a moan and you automatically covered your mouth, and took a step back before they could see you.

Not that they looked like they were paying attention to anything.

You rushed out of the corridor as fast as you could, then stopped before you entered the throne room, pressing a hand over your chest, feeling your fast heartbeat under your palm. Your face was on fire despite the cold and you licked your lips without even realizing it.

And then, the strangest thought flashed through your mind.

Ivar didn't even touch you.

Not that-

Not that you'd ever let him do anything of the sort in an abandoned corridor. If your mother were here she'd probably accuse that girl as a woman with loose morals, but she did look happy enough to you.

Unlike you.

Alright, that was the last thing you were supposed to think.

Surely you wouldn't want that. Especially after the way Ivar had been very rude to you, you wouldn't.

"My queen?"

You jumped up, then your head whipped around,

"Gala!" You let out a breath, "You took me by surprise."

"My apologies," she said, her green eyes gleaming, "You looked deep in thought."

You tried to smile, "Oh it's- it's nothing," you said as you walked with her to the huge table, then took your seat beside Ivar who was talking with Ubbe but he stopped instantly as soon as he heard you sitting down.

"Morning Y/N." Ubbe greeted you politely and you smiled.

"Morning Ubbe," you reached out to grab a cup filled with hot beverage, "My King."

Ivar rolled his eyes and looked up, as if asking for patience.

"My Queen," he said with the same tone as you, but his voice was filled with poisonous sarcasm, "Slept well?"

"Very well, thank you. How about you?"

Ubbe looked between you two, his brows raised while you smiled at Ivar, narrowing your eyes.

"It was good to see you there when I woke up."

"Oh my presence satisfied you?"


"I'm glad to hear that. After all, that is the most important thing in Kattegat, your satisfaction."

Ubbe made a face, as if trying not to laugh and leaned his fist to his lips, still staring at you two and Ivar tilted his head to the right, seeing right through your sarcasm.

Faint Of Heart [Ivar x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now